Work in the Networks of Life.
« There is no dignity of labor except in labor freely accepted.» Albert Camus, Carnets I (mai 1935 – février 1942)
« Everything that works for culture also works against war.» Sigmund Freud
« Life flourishes through work.» Arthur Rimbaud
The functioning of the political and economic institutions of the Networks of Life enables the social development of a society without social classes and without the use of the structure of the state control. We’ve just seen him. We can move forward to address the center of social life: the organization of human activity through work.
The social institutions of the Networks of Life practice the exchange of solidarity and develop social mobility among their project teams. The organization of work is, once again, the opposite of that imposed in the neo-liberal capitalist system or other systems of power.
This is obvious since the organization of work is a direct consequence of the functioning of the political and economic institutions of the Networks of Life, and especially of the use of our two sources of knowledge as well as of common property, both strictly prohibited in the systems of power.
In Part 2, The Functioning of Power Systems, the chapter on The Perception of Work, since 1789, shows that work is no longer the chore and a mark of indignity that divides society between those who need to work and those who do not.
After 1789, work in industrial society carries the hope of a better life in sharing the material wealth that will be produced. Work makes people free because every person earning a salary has access to the opportunity to choose their way of life. This philosophical theory was soon contradicted by the miserable reality of the workers. Social and trade union struggles will then snatch more favorable social rules for the working condition.
In the Social Institutions of the Networks of Life, we address the organization of Work, a central question about human activity and we will show that the use of common property in the contract of work and the development of life projects, is complementary to the personal project of life defined by human beings to participate in human activity, produce and distribute the wealth created by their work.
This is possible because we have left the neo-liberal capitalist system of power and other systems of power.
In this way, we are responding to Albert Camus’ assertion that, because work is freely accepted, the networks of life guarantee the dignity of work.
We are no longer asserting a theoretical labor law which is only a fiction since the capitalist system, whatever its form, did not want to apply it by eliminating unemployment, for example. In the networks of life, there is no unemployment!
The characteristics of work organization in the Networks of Life.
In the neo-liberal capitalist system, the individual right to property, including for the means of production, grants the head of an enterprise the right to be the sole judge of the management of his affairs and as early as 1830, the canuts revolt in Lyon revolted against this social inequality which allows employers to confiscate the productivity gains for their profits alone.
The hierarchical system requires everyone to remain in their place subject to the principle of Authority, which does not accept a dissenting person who thinks and wants to act differently.
In our Networks of Life, internal mobility allows the raising of the level of skills that is necessary on the 3 levels of work and especially for the realization of works that raise the standard of living and that are passed on to future generations. Let us now turn to the broad outlines of this organization of work.
The contract of employment.
The labor contract in the liberal capitalist system is characterized by the subordination of the employee to the employer. In the Networks of Life, this subordination does not exist.
Life project teams operate through associations, memberships, and cooperation between employees who are members of these teams. The same goes for exchanges, relations between teams of life projects. The property right used is no longer that of private or individual property, the famous acquis of 1789 in France and reproduced everywhere else, but rather the law of common property or, where appropriate, the law of collective property.
We present in Part 4, the Art of Living, practical examples of the way of living in the Networks of Life and the reader will find practical cases on this organization of work and this contract of work.
We are not talking here about vocational training to work in life project teams. It depends on the project teams and on their free cities or confederation. We address only the specificities, the peculiarities of training for the use of the principles and methods that develop human activity in life networks.
It trains citizens in teamwork, group management and communication, problem-solving techniques, calculating the cost of Total Quality and the cost of achieving solidarity.
It is no longer a question of moving forward in a school system based on the orientation and selection of young people and then on the degree of understanding and adherence to the dogmas and culture of the neo-liberal capitalist system.
The content of the training is based on the optimal solutions obtained through the practice of subsidiarity and the methods to obtain Total Quality and the development of Solidarity.
Learning to use a full currency without debts is also very motivating to project oneself into adult life knowing that one’s work will no longer be largely used to pay off debts, especially for higher education, housing, raising one’s standard of living and that of one’s family or coping with difficulties.
The members of the Networks of Life learn the political principles of the functioning of participatory local direct democracy with subsidiarity, the full currency, the assemblies of political action.
They acquire an increase in their skill levels to participate in the whole of human activity on its three levels :
- work essential to life and survival,
- the creation of works that raise the standard of living and are passed on to future generations,
- political action through local assemblies and the Confederation.
The aims of training in the Life Networks
The work necessary for life and survival has become as important as the level of realization of works.
The energy transition, climate change, scientific uncertainties about the future of biodiversity and humanity as to who can withstand or adapt to the evolution of the cycle of our planet, which is largely dependent on the activity of the sun and the influence of fixed and wandering stars, all these issues, which are threats to our environment, make it essential and crucial to raise our skills and expertise in all areas of intellectual and spiritual knowledge.
Without the revival of this high level of knowledge in the service of life on our planet, we will remain in quarrels between proponents of this or that form of ecology, of decay, between oil and gas producers who will preserve their reserves through unbearable price increases, between well-known proponents of drastic reduction of the human population in order to satisfy divine directives that they were the only ones to draft and impose. And people seeking to form new empires to ensure that they alone will lead the fate of Life on Earth.
In the neo-liberal system, the goal is free markets for education and training. This dogma is in fact revealed by the imposition of economic and financial knowledge that serves the private interests of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy run by a sect of puritans bent on governing the world according to their precepts that they dare call divine.
Yet the evidence stares us in the face: industrial and then consumer society are incompatible with life on Earth, much less with the development of humanity based on its two essential values: love and peace.
The Networks of Life and their participatory local direct democracy animated by subsidiarity and the taking into account of local peculiarities through the exchange of solidarity, political principles which drive training needs, does not use a centralized school and university system with uniform curricula and learning rhythms which produce results unsuited to the evolution of our societies and which in fact seek to maintain a level of ignorance conducive to the submission of peoples.
The evaluation of the work.
The performance of the life project team is a priority for calculating a contribution to the results obtained. This team bonus at the end of the project is in addition to the monthly salary provided for in the employment contract.
In France, the 1958 Ordinance participation in the calculation of profits for all life project teams in the three levels of human activity has become widespread. The benefits taken into account are the accounting profit at the end of the project, the performance obtained in the Total Quality approach and the cost of obtaining Solidarity.
The rise in the employee’s skill level is assessed during the project or at the end. Before the end of the project, it allows you to know which missions this person can look for in a new team of life projects.
This level of competence is managed locally in a free city and these resources are consolidated at the Confederation level in the management of the Plan.
This evaluation also covers mobility and participation in the development of the cost of Solidarity.
It shall be paid in legal tender (positive money) created by the Bank of the Free City or by the Bank of the Confederation when discounting bills of exchange which have been issued in respect of the full currency (positive money).
Some of it can be paid in social entitlements to be saved and used with the common goods.
Remuneration does not have any deduction of social or fiscal charges since social services and administrations such as life network management centers are teams of life projects and managed with the full currency or social rights.
These life projects teams are attached to their free cities at local and national level to their political, economic, social, cultural institutions and to the confederation. Their employees are ex officio members of the National Guard at the local level of the Free City.
Using common property, the best way to distribute the wealth produced by labor, eliminates the need for wealth redistribution through a tax system and social benefits.
The pay grid complements the classification of levels of responsibility (NR) and the list of jobs with their NR. It is followed by the management centers of the free city.
Compensation can be calculated across multiple workstations in different life project teams. This is particularly the case for experts working in several project teams or training centers. This is not the only job opportunity in multiple positions over a month or year.
It may also add a part of the monthly reality work at level 1 of activity in the work indispensable for life and survival to another part of the work carried out at level 2 in the realization of works that raise the standard of living and are passed on to future generations and, where appropriate, a third part carried out at level 3, political action, during participation in actions to prepare political events or public ceremonies.
Members of life networks who have participated in political action meetings at local or confederal level are paid by tokens which are counted once a year and paid with social rights. Among these meetings are those organized by the free city of attachment, those organized by the National Guard of that free city or by the Confederation at the national level.
Thus, the level of remuneration varies according to the level of commitment of the members to the activity of the Life Networks.
Compensation for all workstations is communicated to the members of the Life Networks, including of course the most senior managers of the work teams or world-class experts.
As there are no payroll taxes and no private shareholders, there are no dividends paid to non-employees of the project teams and there is no risk of payroll fraud or profit tax evasion. The control of pay and profits is carried out by the management centers and the acceptance of the accounts, as we have seen, is voted in the local assembly of political action in the free city.
Expatriate members of organizations from countries outside the Confederation shall be paid a remuneration administered by the Confederation in accordance with the peace or solidarity agreements concluded with those countries. The same goes for people from these countries outside the Confederation who come to work in the life project teams.
There is, of course, a strict equality of pay between men and women at equal level of responsibility (NR) and equal access to jobs of the same NR.
Conflicts over the organization of work.
They are settled at the level of participatory local direct democracy by the political institutions of the networks of life.
Or at the level of the National Guard of the Free City since each citizen, citizen from birth until death, is a member by right of the National Guard.
A labor dispute is brought before the experts present at the local level in the Free City and conciliation meetings, investigative work, are taken care of by the resources and means of the National Guard which includes, as we have seen, the police, the security services, the justice services, the social services, the health services, etc.
We have seen the resolution of a dispute between the three parties in the trial unfold. The aim is to improve the level of solidarity in the free city or at the confederal level.
The proposal to resolve a dispute, if any, can be presented at a local political action assembly for public discussion and a vote by all citizens of the Free City under the right to request a referendum of local initiative.
Conflicts which concern questions of interpretation of the rules and standards of operation of a working party or which are the result of poor quality in the activity of a team of life projects are addressed directly to the management center of the Free City which is competent for this dispute. The management center can call on experts from other free cities or from the Confederation to improve the subsidiarity approach and find a truly optimal solution tailored to local circumstances.
Expenses incurred in resolving the dispute are charged to the life projects team from which the dispute originated. At the end of this project, these expenses may be offset by the level of results achieved. If not, as with any planned or unplanned loss, the management center presents the case to the political action assembly which decides on the situation.
The most severe sanction taken by the assembly of political action is known: it refuses the management of the project team and its balance sheet under common or collective ownership to declare it subject to the rules of personal private ownership.
The members of the Life Project Team are personally liable for the losses and, where applicable, these losses are covered by the Free City Bank before being reimbursed by the members of this Project Team with their remuneration obtained in the next Project Team. These losses can also be repaid immediately if a team member prefers to use their social security account and request the conversion of the necessary social security benefits into legal tender.
In the chapter on the complementarity between the three forms of property, we mentioned that individual, personal, private property exists in the Life Networks for new projects that present significant risks for the functioning of the life networks. Once these projects are successful and the optimal solution is obtained, this production of goods or services enters into the management in common or collective ownership. A team of failed life projects means that the risk assessment was wrong at the outset, that subsidiarity can be questioned and that the mandatory transfer of this project into private ownership should have been made from the outset.
This method of compensating losses is identical to the losses and damage caused to the community of the Free City or Confederation, by individual, personal offenses or crimes.
A work stoppage for personal or health reasons
In the event that a member of the Networks of Life no longer wants to continue his work in a project team for personal reasons or health problems, he addresses the National Guard of his free city who offers him an activity related to his abilities and wishes.
He may, if necessary, ask to temporarily leave his work activity in order to begin or continue his spiritual initiatory personal approach and to join the establishments and places managed by a life project team of an initiatory network present at the level of the Confederation or request the assistance of the Confederation in continuing his activity or his journey abroad in an organization supported or not supported by the Confederation.
In the Networks of Life, there is no unemployment and therefore there is no unemployment benefit.
As a last resort, the member of the networks of life who no longer wishes to work for a certain time can use his reserve of social rights to stay present and use the common goods. He may receive donations of social rights, where appropriate, as a form of aid and solidarity. But he will probably miss what he spends on entitlements now for his retirement if his inactivity continues for years.
An anecdote:
During a meal following a local meeting of our professional association in the Nice region, we were talking with the Head of Personnel of the Principality of Monaco. He said that in principle there was no economic redundancy at home and that his services were responsible for finding another job for those who needed it.
Except that having visited Monaco and especially the new district of Fontvieille, most of us, on the port, had noticed that a man spent his days sleeping in the shade, in a boat on the quays. Was he an employee of the City Hall? Indeed, our colleague was his superior, since this man was an employee of the town hall.
So? He smiled and confessed that he was frequently questioned about the employee’s situation, so that his colleagues could give him a good laugh.
The answer had become official with the agreement of the Prince of Monaco: in fact, even while sleeping, he worked in communication to develop the image of the Principality because the thousands of Asian tourists who passed by took pictures of him, amazed that in this magnificent region one can easily spend his days of work sleeping in public, in front of everyone, something unthinkable and unimaginable in China, Japan and the other countries of the rising sun.
Like what, it is relatively easy to find a new job if we want it!
A negotiation with the free city or confederation is a better way to ask to temporarily or permanently leave the networks of life of one’s country and go live in another country not member of the confederations of networks of life.
Working in a country outside the confederation of life networks
In this foreign country, he can remain in contact with his confederation of networks of life for activities of solidarity, peace treaties and as such continue to receive remuneration from the confederation.
On the other hand, in the event that this former member of the national confederation of life networks develops activities contrary to the interests of the life networks, the confederation may send him or his enemy organization a peace treaty with a solution to preserve solidarity between him and the confederation. If the peace treaty is rejected, as with other enemies of the Networks of Life, he will be sent a declaration of war on his own behalf or on behalf of his enemy organization with all the civilian and military consequences that will follow.
This type of dispute arises in connection with a labor issue, and is normally settled at local level or, if not, at confederal level if it calls into question a standard applied in all life networks.
The logical solution that follows from the practice of subsidiarity, indicates that this member who bears the conflict, creates a new project team, or even creates a new free city with other members who agree with him. With the approval and support of the federal government, the Networks of Life will be enriched from a new local difference or particularity.
Forecast management of work
In the liberal capitalist system, workers are one resource among many, they are inputs into the process of producing wealth. Their interests do not take priority. The forward management of jobs is mainly linked to the evolution of technologies so that staff are trained in these new skills or so that recruitment brings these new skills.
The principle of efficiency which accompanies the principle of authority in the operation of the system of power is clear: when a workstation is no longer necessary for the proper functioning of the production process, the holder of this position has no right to request its retention either in this position or in the enterprise. He, she’s fired .e for economic reasons.
In the life networks, we have already dealt with the management of employment or work in the chapters on management centers and on the confederation, which is responsible in particular for the management of the Plan. This is the macroeconomic aspect of the issue.
The place of forward management of jobs
At the micro-economic level of the management of the work teams, this forward-looking management is based on support from the Plan to propose, define the career paths or more globally, the life paths that meet the interests of the members as well as the development of the Life Networks.
The priority is the personal development of human beings. This development uses our two sources of knowledge. It is a matter of human culture, of civilizational choises.
We will come to that in cultural institutions. They come last, after social institutions, not because they are the least important, as in a hierarchical system. In the Networks of Life, there is no hierarchical system. There’s a logical order.
Of course, at the outset, there is a civilizational choice that includes a more humanistic view of our societies, and one based on humanity’s fundamental values: love and peace.
Second, our choice rests on its corresponding political system: the participatory local direct democracy that we call in the Internet age, our Networks of Life. This political system sets standards for the production and distribution of the wealth produced by the work of all through human activity. The consequence is found in the functioning of political, economic and social institutions in networks of life without social classes and without state.
As Pierre Legendre points out, the citizen is no longer assigned to residence in a box, to a specific place in the system of power with the obligation to remain there as long as the leaders of the system of power need him to produce and especially now to consume and submit to the new health directives that mark the new form of medical tyranny exercised on peoples.
The logical progression, obvious, once the networks of life are created sustainably and the volunteers are engaged politically and economically, continues by presenting the objectives of the Plan but also the skills and labor needs to achieve them.
Finally, once this planned management of jobs has been defined in qualitative and quantitative terms, the final stage concerns the public’s support for this plan and these job proposals. This adherence is developed by cultural institutions.
The consumer society that keeps the capitalist industrial system in power over the people uses American culture and standardization to spread across the globe. It is defined by the ruling elite, which, in the exercise of its power, selects knowledge that is useful to it, and it prohibits and declares taboo knowledge that harms its power.
Today, that elite to defend their power does not hesitate to declare conspiracy any person who disagrees with it and presents the knowledge that they have declared forbidden. At the same time, our source of rational, intellectual knowledge has convinced us that it is the one who is plotting against our interests, which are bound to be different from hers. These shocking incongruities no longer exist in our Networks of Life.
The logical progression is that, in order to prepare the future from the present, the political and economic institutions through the Plan first of all propose on the social level a forward plan of the evolution of jobs to ensure the achievement of the objectives defined to sustain the development of our Networks of Life.
ust because these goals of forward management of jobs are defined before the cultural goals does not mean that the forward list of jobs will be imposed in an autocratic way on the citizens and that eventually, from that point on, the networks of life will naturally drift towards a new system of power.
As was the case with the theories and dogmas of communism defined by Marx and implemented by his followers Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin during the Bolshevik and then Soviet Revolution, finally through the dictatorship of the party made necessary to win the class struggle… without understanding or ignoring that they were selected and financed by the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy to serve as a pretext for a world war against the Soviet Union and finally conquer the riches of the Russian empire, just as the Nazis did for the German army to conquer Russia on behalf of this Anglo-Saxon plutocracy.
Cultural institutions are obviously present in the choice to leave the systems of power to develop a new civilization centered once again on the life of our planet and our humanity. But to describe them fully, we must first present the social institutions of this new civilization. There is no hierarchy between the institutions of the networks of life, there are only useful and interdependent functions, necessarily complementary.
The function of culture in a society is to bring people together, to share a common history and a common vision. It connects, brings together, unifies, motivates in the sharing of its values, its standards and the development of its lifestyles in coherence with its values and standards.
We will come to this after having tried to put aside these fears or even these fears about the use of the Plan and the planning of jobs, so much that this planning has experienced many rejections and setbacks in the systems of power since it greatly contradicts the interests of the masters of the world who do not care about nations, states more or less democratic… and still much less about the reestablishment of our Networks of Life.
The characteristics of job forecasting in our life networks.
All skills needs are taken into account.
Skills requirements for the first level of activity, life-sustaining work and life-sustaining work are taken into account as a priority in the creation of life networks.
For the second level of activity, the realization of works that raise the standard of living, the situation is different. It all depends on the real estate needed for the development of the commons and the housing of the life project teams. The elimination of the resources of the state and thus of its administrations can result in a simple conversion into common goods within the framework of free cities or confederation. For example, town halls and communal halls serve as a follow-up to the assemblies of political action of free cities.
The realization of works requires medium- or long-term planning and we have made it clear that if the question of its financing is settled by the use of the full currency, the limits are indeed on the availability or not of the necessary skills. This is the crucial point to be planned and in the plan and in the forward management of jobs.
Among these two levels of wealth production, activities are material and immaterial.
Knowledge development is about using both of our sources of knowledge. The forward-looking needs assessment for the initiatory and spiritual networks is therefore part of the Plan and the forward job management. Here, too, the question of religious heritage arises as to whether it should be converted into common goods for the development of the spiritual path through the mystical path and whether it can be arranged for the other three initiatory paths: the overcoming of the limits of our fleshly body, the ecstasy in love, the direct path of poetic and artistic writing.
Adapting needs to internal mobility in life networks.
In the neo-liberal capitalist system, internal mobility aims to develop versatility as a first step towards the level of expertise. It does not necessarily apply to all staff. The company exists for as long as its shareholders want it. In principle, a company can exist for a long time and for some for several centuries, such as the Benedictine order founded in the year 500 at Mont Cassin.
In the Life Networks, mobility is internal and external because the life project teams are developed according to needs and according to the forecasts of the Plan. Long-term enterprises are the creation of works that raise living standards and are passed on to future generations.
Mobility, as we have explained, begins with the acquisition of skills in work essential to life and survival, and then continues in the realization of works. A citizen therefore does not stay in the same job or even in a single project team or in the same free city during his working life. It is up to him to decide whether he has the skills to apply and commit to the project team he has chosen.
Mobility is also organized according to the age of citizens. In adolescence and at the start of working life, a journey to acquire skills in different professions and in different regions is generally very rewarding to discover one’s true vocation or passion and to understand well the political, economic, social and cultural environment.
This journey is not only professional, but also the spiritual initiatory personal journey, which in principle also begins at a very young age. In this case, it can end relatively early between the ages of 17 and 20. Then the journey continues after encountering the mysteries of life through human evolution whose mobility can better correspond to professional mobility.
Opportunities and obstacles to mobility in life networks
Mobility among networks of life is not conditioned, as in systems of power, by private property.
There is no social and economic obligation to own or inherit property because the benefits of common and collective ownership are much better than private ownership in meeting individual and social needs. Which doesn’t mean living in a community. We will come back to this in terms of cultural institutions.
Likewise, the social obligation that compels children to marry in order to conform to theocratic religious norms or customs has disappeared. Couples will naturally form and last solidly, as they do with first peoples or roots. We know that matriarchy and sexual freedom develop personal enrichment through our loves, especially with our soulmates.
This practice of leaving one’s family to join a training exists in the sporting or artistic environment. It is based on the detection in children of a passion, of particular gifts that can only find a constructive answer by joining such and such a sports club of excellence, such and such a ski resort, such and such a team and its training center, such and such a music or dance conservatory, such and such a university and its research centers.
The spiritual initiatory approach, according to one of the four ways practiced, actually imposes to go to a particular region, natural space, buildings built for centuries, as is the case for the mystical way practiced in monasteries, convents, abbeys or places conducive to eremitism or cenobitism.
Incentives will be put in place to follow for a more or less limited period a specific job with particular working conditions. Students or young people are already on these trips abroad with jobs in catering and table service, childcare, etc. These jobs which have difficulty finding incumbents because of their difficult working conditions may be endowed with additional social rights decided by a free city.
This principle will become more widespread in the training implemented in the Life Networks.
A job in an unattractive sector is offered as a step in a training path and is paid in full currency on the one hand, but also with an additional allowance of social rights that the person can consume immediately or better capitalize for deferred consumption, for example the use of common goods after 60 years or for old days when he needs them.
At present, these jobs with difficult working conditions and low wages are rejected and, in most cases, are taken up only by foreigners who have come to our country precisely to find a job.
While learning to cook, serve at the table and develop a sense of contact with others for a few months or a few years in a tourist, cultural place, at sea or in the mountains, is a period of his individual journey of training and acquisition of skills very useful subsequently to demonstrate a knowledge of living in society, or even simply to develop an art of living. The same goes for the human services trades in health, culture, training….
The brakes and the challenges.
All these conditions mean that the management of jobs in the future is stable as regards the definition of jobs and occupations and occupations, but that this management in the future can only be useful if it is able to monitor and anticipate the change in the incumbents of these jobs. And that change includes the need for housing, social services, training, etc., of those job-holders.
The solution is partly known: the use of common assets, especially in real estate and personal services. The free city will communicate to be attractive through its projects but also through its resources brought by its common goods.
Such mobility is intrinsic to the life of networks that are constantly interacting with one another. The national confederation, as we have seen, has the task of organizing external mobility with other confederations, networks of life or with organizations still in power systems.
The personal project of life.
It is the main instrument of forward management of jobs. It emphasizes the principle that humans are at the center of the functioning of the Networks of Life.
IIt includes the use of both our sources of knowledge and thus the spiritual initiatory personal journey and the learning of intellectual and rational knowledge.
The spiritual initiatory journeyis carried out in three stages (from the 4 paths of spiritual development) :
- involution,
- encounter or enlightenment, samadhi in buddhism
- then evolution in our human condition with the experience of encountering the mysteries of life.
he spiritual initiatory path will be presented in detail in the chapter that presents cultural institutions. For the moment we will see how it fits into the personal project of life.
Intellectual and rational learning takes place in four steps :
- the discovery of the natural, professional, political, economic and social environment
- the stage of passion and learning: the deepening of knowledge in its main focus.
- developing versatility and experience to strengthen social and professional integration
- the shift to expertise and leadership
Intellectual and rational learning takes place within the framework of social institutions, and we will elaborate on its details.
Before presenting some concrete examples of personal life projects in the Life Networks, we know the context, the environment in which it will take place and the opportunities, the aids that will promote it through the functioning of political, economic and social, cultural institutions.
The opportunity for sharing solidarity in training courses.
Sharing optimal solutions obviously also affects the way in which one’s individual training path is organized.
The example set by experts, sports champions, artists, teams who have won a competition, produced a masterpiece, developed a new and efficient process for producing new wealth, eliminating pollution or dysfunction, has always been practiced except during periods essentially stifled by theocracy fanaticism.
We showed a famous example of solidarity in the training of a young shepherd from the Aurillac region. The monks discover that he has very high abilities in mathematics and physics. When a prince of Aragon passed by, the monks asked him to take the young Gerbert to Spain to continue his studies. For example, he studied at Arab and Jewish universities in Toledo and Cordoba. He thus introduced in the West Arabic numerals and probably algebra, an optimal solution presented by the exercise of bottom-up subsidiarity much better than the use of Roman numerals for works in geometry, architecture, civil and military engineering, astronomy…
Elected pope with the help of Benedictine rulers, he imposed the “truce of God” on frank rulers who quarreled incessantly to plunder each other’s wealth and expand their feudal lands. His knowledge of the history of the Berbers and the Iberians, Jews and Muslims from his time in Spain led him to set the conquest of Jerusalem and Palestine as a goal for the Benedictine movement. His intellectual contribution extended into the marriage of cultures developed at Cluny and then at Cîteaux and Clairvaux.
Solidarity is shared in a number of ways: exchanging the best addresses, entering into a group and exchanging relationships that can serve you, the best way to obtain and use social rights to use common goods, prioritizing the priorities to be studied in order to reach a given level of competence.
Solidarity is also developing in the field of training by helping a learner to present the results obtained by a project team. Experts and competent people will ask the learner to take over part of the communication of results, the presentation of an innovative process, etc.
This training, which takes place mainly in the field among its colleagues, is not evaluated by more or less convoluted rating systems. There are no notes. Everyone in the working group knows where the learners stand and it is in their interest that they understand and move the project forward.
Often in the hierarchical system of capitalist enterprises, the leader uses the success of his group to serve his personal interests and his career. This habit is eliminated in project teams.
The learner thus takes the floor in public at one point to present a part of the work in which he has been particularly involved. This great oral is prepared with his mentor and the success of a project team also includes the success of training and raising the level of skills of the whole group, including on the relational level, that of communication and citizen involvement at the assemblies of political action that validate the results of the teams of life projects.
Representing his team of life projects is part of the training and this corresponds to the fourth purpose or mission of the Directorate after defining the objective, animating the team and distributing the work, deciding and controlling. Since it is the team members who exercise the leadership authority, they are prepared for these 4 missions to become competent in the leadership of their team.
Instead of the diploma, the citizen presents her success in the various project teams where he has worked for raising his level of skills. He is part of a network of qualified professionals, team mates of life projects. He is then ready to work on the second level of activity to participate in the creation of a work, a masterpiece.
This work in the realization of a work intended to serve as a common good will include a larger group of professionals engaged in the acquisition of higher skills from renowned experts. This work will take longer and the group will become more united in families or circles of friends, circles of mutual aid.
The growth and development of wealth for social groups follows the virtuous circle of economic growth and skills upgrading. The members of the Networks of Life all know this virtuous economic circle.
The stages of intellectual and rational learning
The discovery
In the family, she is largely guided by the choice of parents who observe their children’s activities daily, except that the parents’ constraints and their absence to go to work limit this observation.
Among the first peoples such as the indigenous peoples of the Trobriand Islands, Malinowski observed that children lived among themselves and imitated the actions of adults. Together, they learn about their environment and how to use it by following the examples of their elders. This is all the easier as this environment is the nature in which adults have removed traps or hazards for children.
In today’s largely urbanized societies, there are no places or natural spaces for children to play with each other, to discover, to learn to live in the forest, to bathe in the river or lake, to climb to the top of the mountain, to live with pets, to discover wild animals. Yet this is the age of learning.
Let us not talk here and now about the discovery of electronic and telecommunications objects, which certainly speed up the discovery of everything that is offered by these multimedia programs.
Discovery possibilities in the Networks of Life
Discovery possibilities in the Networks of Life.
This stage of education and training remains open throughout a person’s life.
It will simply change its purpose and probably its duration, depending on the purpose of the discovery. For example, discovering mountains and high mountains may take a few weeks for many years before people know whether they want to spend the rest of their human life in that setting.
Another characteristic of this stage is that this discovery is in principle multiple, open to a wide field of investigation, as it also prepares stage 3: the development of versatility and the acquisition of skills:
both in the political, economic, social, cultural and artistic, military
and on the 4 paths of the spiritual journey:
- exceeding the limits of the carnal body through sport, physical exercise ;
- the love ecstasy that develops enrichment through our loves and of course the social ties beyond the simple family ties ;
- the mystical approach to the presence of the higher and dual worlds ;
- poetic and artistic writing that connects us to our source and brings us directly closer to the one who lives in us and is the same in each of us..
The discovery stage provides the first knowledge of these areas of competence that humans will develop over their lifetime. The child needs to find out what these areas are, how useful they are for our reasons for living, and what their job and skill opportunities are.
The commons for the discovery stage.
This discovery is made possible by the use of common assets, i.e. works of real estate heritage which most often retain high-quality intangible and artistic heritage. These remarkable buildings and architectural complexes are most often also built in exceptional natural sites and have been designed for the lives of often numerous social groups.
Remarkable new buildings will be built by free cities and the confederation of networks of life. Their aims will be educational and training in all the areas of skills necessary for the development of the Networks of Life.
The discovery also represents a right of access and of visit or short stay in all the places used by adults: free cities, municipalities, mountains, sea and ocean, businesses and teams of life projects. All the places of work and research are available at a given time for discovery days.
The National Guard with its buildings, equipment and material means is also a place of discovery almost obligatory during the youth of a member of the networks of life since here, from its birth, a human being is a member by right of the National Guard whether or not he signs later a temporary or longer term commitment in one of its activities.
The aims of discovery and its financing.
These common goods, realized at level 2 of human activity, show young people what it is to make works that raise the standard of living. Young people will have the opportunity to participate in this creation of the works to raise their standard of living and pass them on to future generations. This is the goal of their adult life and career path.
The discovery is thus the key step whose mission is to build a relationship of trust between adults and children, far beyond the family circle. The child discovers adults, life project teams, training centers, spiritual development networks who are ready to spend time with him to show him their activity, their research and their means.
Young people can then seek to imitate the adults who have held their attention, their interests.
The funding of discovery activities, we recall, uses social rights, especially the budget of the Unconditional Basic Income which is allocated to each birth. In principle, it should be sufficient for the discovery stage that has been budgeted accordingly. The income from the discovery by the life projects teams is attributed to the cost of obtaining Solidarity, whose objective is surplus, positive.
The Confrontation Between the Opportunities of Networks of Life and the Threats of Power Systems.
This flies in the face of what neo-liberal capitalism proposes, namely learning how to work in firms in a particular place with little opportunity for advancement while relying on autocratic management to secure the highest returns and profits for employers alone.
This is radically the opposite of selection by mathematics and the intellectual capacities of abstraction, in order above all not to deal with the real, the injustices, the disastrous consequences of the policies pursued by the plutocracy which runs the neo-liberal system of power or the fanatical and tyrannical theocracies. Be obliged to settle for philosophy courses and be forbidden from spiritual initiatory personal journey.
This stage of discovery ends with a confrontation between the opportunities present in the Networks of Life and the calamitous and scandalous functioning of the systems of power.
Young people need to know the alternative for society and the history of systems of power that have enslaved people for centuries, if not millennia. So as to strengthen their commitment to the Networks of Life.
The role of the family, parents, membership groups and reference groups will be discussed later in cultural institutions.
We know the current situation in the neo-liberal system or other theocracies in terms of the influence of private property rights in marriage, parental responsibility, the selective and unequal school system, the gender inequalities, the social hierarchies to be respected, social divides and the disappearance of the impoverished middle classes, etc.
We have forgotten how societies that have used the common property right have managed to develop a flourishing human civilization and lifestyle.
The stage of passion and learning:
deepening knowledge in its core focus.
The example of language learning.
In a hospital stay before surgery, we had to spend a night in a two-person room with treatment before surgery the next morning and then return home. The nurses had put my wheelbed in a room with two men much older than me.
As I was talking, I answered one of the questions that I was also involved in training. He went further to tell me what he thought about school training in France.
At about 12 and up to the certificate of study at 14, he and his Polish classmates took courses in French while continuing to learn a little bit in Polish. At the certificate of studies, he and his Polish comrades had the same results as the French comrades and often better results because they were bilingual and subsequently, those who pursued studies, were able to learn more easily a third living language such as English or a fourth such as German. Moreover, he and his Polish comrades cared more than the French about history and geography – and for good reason!
The lesson that former Polish child told me was that if a child does not have bilingual parents who make him bilingual in his early years, he must attend school in his mother tongue until early adolescence, when he will easily learn other languages.
He was referring to the failure of young immigrants to go to school to take courses in French when it is not their mother tongue, hence the predictable failure of school and the social consequences that follow in the neighborhoods of our cities.
He regretted that his successful example of the school and social integration of a Polish child accompanied by his Polish teacher had not been followed and had not served as an example in the French school system. Yet the coal mine’s owners and the people of his village had been very happy with the integration of these many Polish families. The Polish families at the closure of the mine found another job in the area and they regularly returned to Poland to visit their families or they came to see them in France.
Motivation, passion at the service of human activity.
The story of the former minor of Polish origin shows that the first condition for this passion to flourish is the respect by adults for the personality and identity of a human being, its history. Putting it in a mold for a power system to shape it according to its leaders’ private interests is out of the question.
Let the scientific and genetic debate continue on the importance of the innate elements transmitted to the fetus by the parents before birth. We will come to that in cultural institutions.
The history of a people, a family, a region, a company, a social group exists for anyone who wants to learn it and this social group and especially the parents take care of the education of a child starting from this history and the social environment in which a child will grow up.
More often than not, a child’s discovery of the difficulties of life that the adults close to him have had to overcome will interrogate his thinking and passion is usually only the fierce will to learn what happened, why it happened and what solutions must be sought to eliminate or overcome these difficulties, threats or risks.
The opportunities are numerous and diverse:
a natural disaster can create a strong incentive to understand and overcome them
the mountains, the sea the child faces in his environment
a war lived by his parents and the child will become passionate about the history of this war and the history of humanity
a disease suffered by a loved one, the discovery of people living in poverty and famine
the arrival of a new technology with its new possibilities
the construction of an architectural complex in the vicinity of a child
the discovery of an artistic or musical activity, the reading of a book or a multimedia medium, the meeting of an author, an artist
contact with death around you or the birth of a loved one
Of course, it is no longer a question of responding to a child who has to wait until he or she is older before giving him or her an answer…
Taking into account the passion of a human being in education and training.
The personal project of life will be more adapted to the human being if he clearly manifests one or more passions during the discovery stage or when he begins this stage of learning around his passion.
The funding of this training effort may exceed the budget for social entitlements provided at birth. Experts at the Free City Management Center have several options for allocating additional financial resources in full currency.
Passion often leads to the rapid acquisition of a level of expertise, and experts are also trainers who bring income to their life networks and project teams. It therefore has a predictable return on investment. As part of our young shepherd from the Massif Central who continues his studies in Spain before becoming Pope, try to calculate this return on investment?
In the Networks of Life, there are therefore no constraints and financial limits to develop human education and training. What matters is the knowledge available to lead a passionate young person toward completing his or her education and developing his or her skills toward the highest level of expertise.
Access to this knowledge, including in research and development laboratories, is fostered by experts who follow the learning of these passionate young people. Where necessary, the Confederation intervenes with its treaties and cooperation agreements with external organizations to find a place for studies.
Parents do not have to pay for their children’s education in the same way as in the neo-liberal system of exclusive private or communal ownership by the rich. Here we are dealing with the management of common property with common goods, full currency and social rights.
Develop motivation, passion in the Networks of Life,
Childhood is the best time to detect those with a passion that is already well established, but passion for an issue or problem can occur throughout life.
The neo-liberal system and the economic horror are multiplying well-known cases of young adults or during the quarantine crisis, of urban dwellers who no longer support their environment, their jobs as executives or employees with the autocratic management and lack of motivation of their work.
Computer scientists can now work from home in the campaign, and other workstations have since been opened up. Others are radically changing their trade and environment to develop goat, sheep, horse, cattle farms, cultivating the land with new methods such as permaculture, etc. Still others are committed to helping the poorest, fighting environmental damage by pollution, climate change…
Are they properly supported in the neo-liberal system, especially by banks and local authorities?
To be sure, when the neo-liberal system prohibits the use of a full currency and social rights, the commons – in short, common property – these self-employed entrepreneurs, while passionate about their jobs, work hard for a few, much less for a much larger share of them who struggle to find customers, and live below the minimum wage, often overdrawn in banks and without government economic support.
The Life Networks do not differentiate by age, gender or social background of the family and there is no banker who has discretion to accept or reject a project because it must be financed on credit.
A change of direction or a new passion is an opportunity politically, economically, socially and culturally. We have seen this in the virtuous circle of economic development, which begins with the union of many different professions, with the diversity of knowledge at the local level.
That is why nurturing a passion is not exclusive. The goal of versatility, which then leads to a solid expertise capable of identifying the facets of a scientific, technological, human, artistic, military, political, economic, social, cultural, etc. issue, is not neglected even if for a passionate young person it is certainly difficult to make him understand this subject.
Development of versatility and experience
to strengthen its social and professional integration.
Perfectly antisocial genius is not just a myth and a person who sees things first but doesn’t make himself heard, either.
The same is true for poets, according to Pierre Legendre, who invites them to study the industry since they are the only ones who can cut the knot of fables that constrain us to reside in the neo-liberal system of power. We presented this mission of the poet to which we responded by working several years in factories.
The Roots of Versatility
Versatility in the Networks of Life arises from the use of our two sources of knowledge, nd it is promoted at the political level by the fact that a person has been a member of the local assemblies of political action since birth and a member of the National Guard ex officio. This situation prolongs the personal exercise of Authority-Power-Command, which is the fundamental principle of participatory local direct democracy.
It also stems from the practice of subsidiarity which, once the optimal solution has been obtained, requires it to be adapted to local circumstances.
Versatility is also essential in group work, especially the Quality Circles and Total Quality approach which have the task of analyzing a malfunction or a change of objective and then proposing a solution that takes into account all the parameters that are involved in this decision-making.
It is essential to understand and manage a full currency and social rights and to use common property more generally.
It is contrary to the principle of specialization which, in the neo-liberal system of power, justifies the division of labor in order to assign an employee to a job and only one according to the management of Taylorism or today of Neo-Taylorism.
The Plan, which is managed locally by the management centers of free cities and nationally by the Confederation, is the main source of information for developing versatility. It outlines skills needs and jobs, planned jobs in project teams, and where those jobs are located.
These skills and jobs can be classified by stage of discovery, passion, versatility or expertise. Models of progress are drawn from the balance sheets of previous years and these models are available at local level. These data are accessible to members of the Life Networks. They are very useful in finding out what type of versatility is appropriate to access a level of expertise in a particular trade or region.
Versatility is also needed for training or education jobs. Experts are intended to teach and train in their field of expertise and related fields of this science or technology. Employees with a good level of versatility also access these jobs in the training centers of life project teams.
The development of versatility
The personal life project aims to predict the times and means, the places and the groups that will constitute its journey among the Life Networks.
A member will choose several jobs in their progression and plan them at a certain point or stage in their journey. His choice is because he retained those jobs during his discovery stage.
As a teenager and as he pursues his studies and apprenticeships, part-time or seasonal jobs will enable him to acquire an initial versatility while offering him remuneration in full currency or social rights.
He can also prepare for his future by looking for one-off apprenticeships in cooking, crafting, repairing cars, motorcycles, bicycles, building a house, but also practicing music, film and audiovisual, etc. He can also find remuneration for his work or he will have to use his social rights to pay for this training.
Temporary employment in a National Guard activity in his Free City also allows for the start of the acquisition of a level of versatility.
To access a job and a level of responsibility, skills are required and among several candidates certain experiences can distinguish the applicants: a previous job with important contacts with clients, groups, stays in other regions or other countries, mastery of a language, computer skills, completion of his initiatory approach, a commitment in a profession of the National Guard…
The personal project of life, during this stage of versatility comes to maturity and this success depends on access to the next stage, the pursuit of expertise in its major interest and access to higher responsibilities.
The example of professional sportsmen illustrates this progress. After the success in competition and a record of success, training in management, communication, marketing and finance offer the opportunity to enter the jobs of managers, trainers, coaches in clubs or at the level of a federation. Expertise in sport is becoming higher.
Using the example of the indigenous people of the Trobriand Islands, only men or women who know how to work the land or trade can then claim public responsibilities, but the last criterion to be met is to have been an excellent parent who has raised his children well and had an exemplary marital life as well as participation in the social life of the group.
Versatility can be acquired in a single project team or a single free city as long as this employment context provides sufficient relationships with other teams or free cities.
The length of this stage varies but a period of about 5 years seems necessary to achieve an adequate level of versatility.
Once the personal life project has been established and validated by the management center and a local political action assembly, this contract with its political, economic and social scope engages the responsibility of the free city and the teams of life projects who have their homes there.
This political responsibility means that this delicate and sufficiently complex stage must be well prepared, planned and budgeted. It is the future of institutions at the local level that depends on it.
Versatility is a political, economic and social, cultural investment, indispensable for raising the level of skills in the virtuous circle of sustainable development and, above all, for ensuring the evolution of skills and labor needs between the level of work indispensable for life and survival on the one hand and the level of realization of works that raise the standard of living and are handed down to future generations on the other.
It ensures the fluidity of jobs and personnel needs and the absence of structural unemployment.
It is crucial when confronted with natural or man-made disasters.
Just a historical reminder on this point. During World War I, German long-range artillery gained supremacy in the battles of 1914 except when its troops advanced too quickly without it being able to follow, and this was the Marne’s victory for the allies. During the years of trench warfare, the French artillery, with its 75-gun gun in particular, was able to withstand the shock of battles because its fire was properly regulated on the ground by the schoolmaster soldiers in civilian life. Their level of mathematics ensured this versatility for the army, and it ultimately also ensured Allied victory. Today, it is electronics skills that are useful in building and guiding drones on the battlefield, but also in the civil field for many constructive and beneficial applications.
The shift to expertise and leadership.
In the system of power, the professional development of senior managers distinguishes between those who will hold management positions in the General Directorate and those who will become experts in the company’s Scientific Council. The latter, especially at the global level of expertise, are paid more than their colleagues in the Branch.
The current drift of expertise at the political level.
But this is often only good management, because the reality is that research and development centers are largely concentrated in the US, and since the takeover by rentier and investment funds after the 2010s, the profit motive has pushed these Anglo-Saxon oligarchic leaders to pursue social dumping also at the level of world-class experts. Europe and France remain virtually isolated from this new management of expertise, and the deindustrialization of France and Western Europe has aggravated this dire situation further.
We know in our country the solution put in place by the French political leaders.
Whereas as early as the 1990s, half of the promotions of the universities of science such as Polytechnique would directly take positions of scientific advisers in the offices of the Ministries, without having worked in companies and without being either versatile or expert, simply graduated, since the end of the 2010s, the number of these advisers has greatly increased and, for example, the polytechnicians have become political leaders and ministers, Prime Minister with more or less long passages in companies according to the Franco-French art of slippers more or less hot or cold.
The COVID-19 crisis since 2020 has demonstrated that real power is now vested in international management and communications consultancies serving the exclusive interests of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy led by the Puritan sect.
One of the most outrageous examples of how Anglo-Saxon consultancies have managed the COVID-19 health crisis is the following.
These so-called experts on every political, economic, social, cultural, military issue have found nothing better in the health crisis than the use of predictive models of virus contagion that use exponential mathematical functions and do not reflect actual outcomes. We are here in full propaganda, once again!
Document, excerpts:
“All the enforcement measures put in place since the beginning of the crisis are based on an assumption, not an outcome.
…/…The first and most obvious problem is that the data used in the study are the number of positive tests of the territories considered.
…/… The authors do exactly the opposite. They already assume that they know the “pattern of disease spread” and assume that if the spread you see does not fit the pattern, it is not that the pattern is wrong, but that good measures have been taken. In their analysis, they consider only countries that have been in lockdown. So there are two intellectual flaws in the reasoning, one in each part.
(in fact, researchers are using economic models that don’t work terribly well, otherwise we wouldn’t have economic crises…)
…/… The basis of statistics is that facts do not explain the causes. When you measure something, you can’t say right away where that result came from. Putting an exponential model on it and then saying it doesn’t match reality and saying we saved lives is not analysis, it’s propaganda.
…/… In any case, all the projections made in the context of COVID-19 have turned out to be completely wrong. The evaluation-modeling-covid site compares the different projections of the Institut Pasteur and Inserm with the data collected a posteriori. Everyone has seen that the reality is, in the overwhelming majority of cases, far below the projection of the least alarmist scenario proposed. Yet communication does not get quiet despite all these consecutive failures.”
source: Covid 19 what official figures reveal, Pierre Chaillot, Toucan edition, March 2023, pages 205 to 211.
We will discuss in Cultural Institutions the elimination of propaganda by leaders of power systems. It is useful to send them a Peace Treaty or a Declaration of War, if necessary, to them by name and to their organizations and not, of course, to their people or to other organizations in their country.
The development of a sufficient level of expertise in Networks of Life.
For the Networks of Life, the usefulness of the Plan is first of all the reindustrialization of the country to maintain a level of increasing yields capable of fueling the virtuous circle of sustainable development. This can only be achieved by developing the level of world-class expertise within our country and the countries of the European Union.
The question in France is not to arrive for the first time at a sufficient level of expertise because we have had it in the past, but it is above all a political and then an economic question that must be decided.
As we have pointed out on several occasions, the reconstruction and modernization of the country after 1945 was carried out with the use of a quasi-full currency and Treasury bills.
We have also mentioned the Thomson case and the innovations especially in the military and weapons systems or in the space field.
Our reader remembers the development of the acoustic wave compressor for the computer of the radar altimeter of the Topex-Poseidon satellite in Sophia-Antipolis in 1990. A world first that opened the door to satellite geo-location. As for the state could not pay the overrun justified by the development of new technologies unknown when the project was defined and the initial budget voted, we were waiting for the check from Crédit Lyonnais… because after 1973, the government had caved in to no longer use the quasi-currency full of Treasury Bills and to start borrowing on the financial markets led by the Anglo-Saxon oligarchy and the Puritans.
National defense and security technologies are a priority before they are used in the civilian domain. We have the gateway to the Networks of Life to further develop once again a high level of expertise.
New threats experts must eliminate
Industrial production now uses defense and security technologies almost simultaneously.
Of course, it is not enough to put the “X’s” back in manufacturing; but the use of a full currency and common property will be resisted by the heads of power systems. This threat requires us to respond with a high level of expertise to get these leaders out of harm’s way. This represents a challenge that has never been won in mankind, since the most successful civilizations were defeated, plundered by systems of military and tyrannical power, or lost to natural disasters or meteorites.
The barbarians who loot, wage war and conspire against the legitimate interests of the people are our enemies and they cost us dearly.
Nevertheless, this challenge will monopolize a number of expert groups, whose primary mission to defend the Networks of Life will be to establish Peace Treaties with as many social groups as possible in countries still subject to the neo-liberal system of power but also subject to tyrannies, theocracies, gangs of criminals who usurp the political power of their peoples..
That’s a lot of people to send a peace treaty with a suitable solution for them to join our Networks of Life
We will come to this by presenting the cultural institutions because the most powerful weapon in the world, a poet does not forget, is education, training in an art of living together on Earth in our human condition and as much as possible in harmony with nature more powerful than human intellectual cogitations
And experts are at the service of this most powerful weapon in the world and it is for this reason that they are entrusted with the high political, economic and social responsibilities to prepare assemblies for political action in the Networks of Life.
Except that education and training take time, some time. With the Internet, news travels fast in the global village, but education and training in participatory local direct democracy, the use of common property and a debt-free currency have been topics and issues forbidden to communicate to citizens, including on the Internet.
The movement’s technological means of communication Our Networks of Life will have to displace and displace those who today are the property of the wealthiest. Who will film, write, tell, sing, dance, paint the messages of our movement based on the fundamental values of humanity, love and peace? For the first time in centuries, if not millennia?
This is yet another departure from the customary practice of rulers of systems of power.
Let us remember the Greek scholars who had the greatest difficulty in convincing their tyrants on their islands, letting them leave for the temples of the banks of the Nile and training themselves in the divine Laws and the celestial mathematics preserved from the knowledge of their former country by the survivors of the last great cataclysm. Pythagoras’ story reveals the relationship between tyrants and their scholars who serve tyrannies. We want to end it with our high level of expertise in this area.
The affirmation of a knowledge selected by our Networks of Life.
Citizens, future members of the movement, can certainly start by discovering, reading and learning at, a free website available 24/7. At the moment we are not paying too much at our host but the error messages 508 show that in high crowds of Internet users… there are these error messages of insufficient capacity on our server.
This can be adjusted quickly. On the other hand, this essay Our Networks of Life, while it does indeed present the knowledge that is forbidden to us by the Anglo-Saxon masters of the world, must one day be presented in the form of training programs to replace those of the school systems.
Then these tutorials are to be arranged in a pedagogical progression for the stages of Discovery, Passion, Versatility, knowing that experts also have an interest in converging their publications towards common interests. We do not need to launch the practice of subsidiarity to reinvent the butter-cutting thread!
What does it take for knowledge to leave our systems of power and create our networks of life?
What is the minimum intellectual and spiritual baggage to dare to leave the systems of power and, without fear or reproach, start our local assemblies of political action to establish our free cities, our teams of life projects, convert our bank accounts into legal currency managed off the balance sheet of commercial banks and at the same time launch the use of our full currency?
To speak the language of tyrants, how many armored divisions, infantry, planes, and missiles do you have to fight to win?
Millions of experts in intellectual knowledge will not be enough.
Gandhi claims that a single man standing is equivalent to thousands sleeping. An initiated poet explains the choice of the words “man standing” and affirms the presence of those, children, adults, who have met the mysteries of life and are now evolving in their condition to live the fundamental values of love and peace.
Using our primary source of knowledge does not train experts, but rather humans, who are careful to stay in touch with the post-human life they have experienced during their human condition, and who are evolving toward the vision of the more humane and peaceful terrestrial world that they have received. They work to share this vision in the course of their human evolution.
It is not the work of experts, but it is a universal occupation for every human being who has found who lives in him and is the same in all of us, who shares his reasons for living and dying in our human condition.
Before coming to cultural institutions, we can now present the steps of the spiritual journey and see how to link them with those of the rational intellectual knowledge that we have just presented. This development will be shorter since the content of this knowledge is part of cultural institutions.
The three stages of the spiritual initiatory journey.
The involution
The starting point for this search for our reasons to live is similar to that of a passion and it is linked to our personal history. With our character and personality, history forms our human identity.
During involution, we are lured to a new identity that is no longer human, but at least immortal, because it holds the promise of life after human life.
This identity will start by being a source of knowledge and inspiration. In poetry since Arthur Rimbaud, this stage is called the dialog of the soul for the soul. We know that the world is much larger than just planet Earth.
The young poet must, with courage and better recklessness, embark on his initiatory path and go, far beyond the universe, to the encounter of infinite love, to the gift of absolute love.
This consciousness also begins when our meditation in nature makes us perceive the life of this nature that has existed for billions of years.
That mountain was at the bottom of the ocean, and then it rose far higher than it is today: what is this phenomenal power for us humans? How many years ago were the folds of this mountain rising into the sky?
A useful clue: at the foot of this mountain at an altitude of more than two thousand meters, on plates of solidified lava, are dinosaur steps that passed there when the rock was not yet solidified. So when did these dinosaurs go missing? Do the strands of wood fossilized as if from a huge fire and then petrified and that we picked up from the ground at the top of the mountain have the same date?
In Part 3, the conflicts between networks and systems of power, the chapter A particular religious history, the monotheism, we present a table for the 4 translations of the mysteries of life in the different religions or spiritual movements.
Animism, still practiced to a great extent in Japan, is creating an awareness of life and the power of the forces of nature. This is a universal finding in human history, and it has the merit of not being used as a pretext for religious conflicts and fanatical theocracies.
Then the human being seeks to discover who lives in him. This stage of involution can be very complicated and tiring. To be sure, a poet once wrote, “God speaks, we must answer him.” It’s not that simple, and Musset talks about it in his poem Sadness.
Most psychics insist on the fact that at birth we are in contact with the powers of the higher world and the soul that has come into our body remains in contact with the generic soul as there are many risks of infant mortality. The young child witnesses these exchanges of the dialogue of the soul for the generic soul and if he is not afraid, he will preserve in his memory this first spiritual experience. These mediums tell us that at the age of 5, following the interventions of parents and doctors or other adults, the child learned that he should not talk about these meetings and that he interest in forgetting them. The child has thus lost contact and will no longer be able to use these powers in the same way as adult mediums have been able to preserve their gifts that we too had at the start of our human condition.
Buddhism teaches that to start your personal initiatory process, you have to be highly motivated and at the limit, need it irrepressibly and then, once started, you have to finish it as soon as possible. Because it consumes a lot of energy and takes us across the edges of death from our fleshly bodies. Continued in the chapter on cultural institutions.
The involution can start very early before the age of 5, it was our case and we talk about it in the story of the first decoration of the young poet. Our first collection of poems, Moments of Formerly History of Writing, includes several texts from our involution.
The encounter with the mysteries of life.
It can be done at once or for us, twice. Most often it is brutal during a fatal accident.
The condition of this meeting is to no longer be in our carnal body whose physiological limits prevent us from being in the same dimensions as those of the presences which help us during this contact with what the Egyptians and initiates call the powers of upper world. These techniques of leaving the carnal body are identified in the temple of Dendera and its underground crypts.
Most often it is brutal in a fatal accident. Survivors speak of the experience of immediate death (IMD) or some other term, as chapel quarrels have become numerous on this subject, which arouses many curiosities and learned explanations by doctors and neurologists. A scientific consensus seems to be emerging that our consciousness lies elsewhere than in our brains, and that waves are connecting us to a source of all life. This is far better than the prospect of ending up on a pyre with bungling and suffering for trying to convey the untold story of our IMEs’ experience.
In the case of an IME, there has been no involution and this shock that shakes our consciousness can scare and silence the human being because he does not know, is not ready to translate the unspeakable lived experience into conventional words and even less, he does not know how to use an artistic approach to start the translation with the hermetic, symbolic, esoteric language before finally arriving at the conventional language. It can take about 10 years for people to talk about their IME. Associations can help him overcome this challenge, which is upsetting his human condition.
In the case of a spiritual process begun around the age of 4-5 years, with Pierre, the first real encounter took place at the age of 17 during his second disembodiment and it continued at the age of 22. years old during his third disembodiment during a mountain accident. He realized that he was not an isolated special case when he read Doctor Moody’s book, The Afterlife, three years after this encounter. He wrote his second collection of poems about this encounter with the mysteries of life 8 years after this encounter during his third disembodiment.
We are not going to get into the debate as to whether this step starts when we encounter the mysteries of life or whether it really starts when the human being has become able to talk about it, to document it in writing and to provide some kind of proof that he has understood what he has experienced.
This third and final stage lasts until the death of our fleshly body.
It’s just as complicated as involution, but this time it’s different. During involution, humans do not understand what is going on inside them. From evolution, he finds it difficult to understand why others do not understand him or do not want to listen to him, especially when he dares to express his new vision of the world and life between human beings when they have also experienced this initial spiritual encounter. He must then find through his presence, his conduct, his wisdom moments of sharing to distil even dropwise his experience of life after human life.
He will find help through books, through testimonies at meetings between experimenters of his association or during meetings in groups of caregivers who participated in the end of life of one of their relatives, if necessary with palliative care.
Evolution quickly leads us to make the difference between helping the deceased who did not find the skylight to cross it. Spiritualism often encounters stray souls who ask for help. An understanding of the capacities of the medium is now acquired and evolution may lead to a desire to better control the channels of correspondence with the spirits, the forces of nature, the deceased.
There remains the question to which we shall return later: in the encounter with the mysteries of Life, was the initiate able to dispose of the powers of the higher world and, to go even further, of the powers of the dual world?
This is the teaching of the most initiation practiced only in the temple of Dendera among the Egyptians. Pythagoras had to wait almost twenty years before obtaining it, just before the Persian invasion and he was expelled as a slave or prisoner from Egypt to Babylon, by Cambyses II, king of Persia who came to conquer Egypt in 525 BC. . J.-C.
Albert Slosman tells us about it in his two books on the life and knowledge of Pythagoras.
How, then, will he use them to shape his evolving human condition?
Usually, evolution is noticed in people in the absence of fear, including fear of tyrants and partial criminals. It is certainly difficult to be understood by others, but it has a je ne sais quoi which is appealing and as for poets, it sees further than the horizon. He knows that he is a trailblazer who is always right, even if it takes 25 years before everyone understands that he was right.
Returning to the personal life journey, in the Life Networks, initiates who evolve in their human condition have the opportunities to meet who needs their experiences and opinions. They will be grouped together in teams of life projects at local level to participate also in the definition of life projects in their entourage or at specific meetings.
This spiritual initiatory approach is taken into account by initiatory networks that have an official status as cultural institutions.
To meet the need for the Plan and the management of personal life projects, the goal is to ensure that the evolution begins at around 25 years of age among the members of the Life Networks. Involution can be confused with Discovery and Passion.
Then the encounter with the mysteries of life without a fatal accident occurs unexpectedly and lasts only a brief moment, as it is so difficult for our human body to absorb such a charge or discharge of life energy. We will see below that the initiatory networks display more accessible and measurable objectives that only indicate that the human being is ready for this meeting even if it will arrive later or not arrive if the human being renounces it along the way.
After 25 years and a spiritual activity in either initiatory network with tangible results, the Networks of Life consider that the member is in the evolution of his human condition unless proven otherwise. This is, in law, merely a simple presumption which has the merit of establishing a bond of trust between adults who engage more intensely in the political, economic, social and cultural life of their Networks of Life.
The initiate to the encounter with the mysteries of life will lead his evolution also to services to the person to help the sick and treat them but also to cure them remotely using the mystical path and the experience of successful prayer.
Human services are another pillar of social action with their own areas of expertise straddling our two sources of knowledge.
- La logique du système capitaliste industriel
- La subsidiarité
- Les Équipes de projets de vie
- Les villes libres
- La démarche Qualité Totale
- La Monnaie Pleine
- Les réseaux de production et de distribution des richesses
- Les centres de gestion des Réseaux de Vie
- La vie après la vie
- La première rencontre et décorporation
- Une technique de décorporation
- L’âme des temps
- La déclaration des droits à la vie sociale pour les êtres humains