Cultures and Humanities



18 March 2023

controlling attitudes, the basis for minimizing violence Presentation of the method of controlling our attitudes and behaviors. Daring to be yourself. The term “assertiveness” emerged during the first half of the 20th century. American psychologist Andrew Salter introduces it and defines it as: “ability to express oneself and defend one’s rights without encroaching on those […]


The Great Law that binds

20 September 2022

The great law that binds the people who build. The art of teaching Iroquois Indians, at the sources of the first constitution. Alexandre Grauer, Indigène Éditions. The Vikings and the Moines Templar soldiers in the 13th century educated the Iroquois so that they abandon their tents and their tipis in order to build long semi […]


Monte Verita The mountain of life reformers.

20 September 2022

The desire for change that motivates these “Life Reformers.” The utopian Monte Verità.. The founding group, composed of Henri Oedenkoven, Karl Gräser, Gustav Gräser, Ida Hofmann, Jenny Hofmann, Lotte Hattemer and Ferdinand Brune, intended to create in 1899 an alternative society, a “colony” in break with the values of patriarchy and consumption. The purpose of […]

indigènes des îles Trobriands

The Sexual Life of the savages

20 September 2022

“the sexual life of the savages of northwestern Melanesia”, Ethnographic description of the loving arrangements, marriage and family life of the indigenous people of the Trobriand Islands (New Guinea). source: Malinowski’s book A love that lasts as long as life. Sexual issues make up half of knowledge. Tacitus had already founded the conception of the […]

The Forbidden and Taboo Origin of Human Knowledge

3 July 2022

the spiritual and intellectual knowledge of ancient Egyptian, Aztec and Inca civilizations that contradicts the Bible and remains forbidden in Western Judeo-Christian culture.. The spiritual and intellectual knowledge of ancient Egyptian, Aztec and Inca civilizations that contradicts the Bible. The world’s oldest city destroyed by earthquake In Bolivia, at an altitude of 4,000 meters, lies […]

The Moso people, a matriarchal society

The Moso people, a World without father or husband 

16 June 2022

The Moso people were declared a model people on the 50th anniversary of the UN.The Moso people straddle Yunnan and Sichuan, the foothills of the Himalayas, China. Who is the Moso people? This page was posted on 21/11/2003 and updated on 10/01/2005. We thank the film team for sending us these two photos to illustrate […]

Temple of Tiahuanaco, a town near the Peruvian border

Tiahuanaco, the oldest city of the world.

15 March 2022

One day will come where one will be able to say traditional civilizations Pharaons, of Chaldéens, Brahames: you are catalogued in our books as being oldest, but science proves that pre-incaïque civilization of Tiahuanaco is several thousands of years former to yours.Weiner, 1876. the text of this page is a copy of the book of […]