The Art of Living
We could have started this Essay by showing what the Art of Living is in a humanistic civilization because once again, we are not going to invent anything new. Then we would have shown how to find it and develop it once again in our humanity.
We have preferred to begin today by presenting our choice of civilization, when the peoples are no longer able to endure the domination of the systems of power as well as the conflict between the world government of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy and the two empires that remain in Russia and China.
Once we have made our choice, the plan becomes clear.
Demonstrate how political, economic, social and cultural institutions ensure the development of human activity in a humanist culture after leaving the systems of power.
Describing how power systems work then allows us to remember the threat to Life Networks. We must know where we came from so that we do not come back to it and be able to help the nations that remain dominated by the neo-liberal capitalist system, by more or less fanatical theocracies, by the military and police power systems at the service of a mafia and criminal minority.
To broaden our remarks, we recall the history of these conflicts between power systems and organizations in networks of life to show that resistance to despotism and tyranny has never ceased. Through this story, we have something to feed our consciences and our will to live free.
This is the time to present the Art of Living based on our history, but also on our methods, our principles, our culture, once we have abandoned the systems of power, now that we are reaping the successes, the successes of the Institutions of Our Networks of Life.
There will remain only the question of how to leave, abandon the systems of power. Knowing our choice of civilization, knowing the functioning of the Institutions that serve our interests to live better and the lessons left by our elders who for centuries have been able only to endure, submit, remain under the domination of their more or less rich and cruel masters, we will know how to succeed in this liberation to resolutely develop a new humanist civilization, prosperous, flourishing, guaranteeing the practice of the fundamental values of our humanity, love and peace.
The Art of Living
At this stage of our journey, we know that it depends on the use of our two sources of knowledge and especially on our personal spiritual and initiatory source.
Use our first initiatory source of knowledge
We will begin with this source that is forbidden by power systems and theocracies. Once again we will start from the personal experiences of initiates, especially the seeing poet through his dialog of the soul for the soul. The spiritual approach and our initiation to encounter the mysteries of life provide us with a vision of our human condition calmed in relation to the death of our carnal body. This will be the first theme we will develop.
The experiences of imminent death are again known and they also bring their lessons. We will begin with Dr. Moody’s book, Life After Life, which we read a few years after our third decorations and which made it clear that we were not alone in having experienced such an encounter and that we did not have to hide it within ourselves.
We will continue by learning some lessons from our near journey and then we will add other rites, other teachings including the Kalachakra rite among Buddhists.
Learning from the cultures of the first peoples
Then we will go to the culture of the peoples who developed their Art of Living, yesterday as today. These testimonies are precious and now that they have been preserved, we will draw on a treasure trove of knowledge, myths and rites to better shape our own ways of life to develop our Art of Living.
We will see in particular what we learn from B. Malinowski’s book, “The sexual life of the savages of northwestern Melanesia”. We will also be on the side of the cave drawings of the Andes and other ancient cultures of our humanity.
From this worldview and the answers to our reasons for living obtained by our solitary and group initiatory spiritual approach, we will organize the material aspects of our life on Earth, the production and distribution of wealth according to our humanist culture.
Imagine, give examples of our Art of Living
In order to push this perspective a little further into our minds, which are devoid of precise benchmarks, since our education has been made in ignorance of this alternative to our submission to the systems of power and in a lack of practice of the initiatory journey, we will present cases, situations and above all real, concrete life experiences, possible immediately or experiences imagined for the moment but which our efforts will make just as real and present every day as we will live them together.
A poet knows how to live and write beyond the boundaries imposed by the prohibitions and taboos pronounced by the power that the rulers of the systems have usurped. We will break, overcome these prohibitions and taboos with enthusiasm and gaiety.
These chapters will remain open to the contributions of current events in order to feed on the experiences of living together which continue to develop.
We will no longer be with the Moso, the Iroquois Nations, the indigenous peoples of the Trobriand Islands, in the Amazon or elsewhere, we will be at home, starting in our imagination, our reference groups before they become our groups of belonging, our works that raise our standard of living and which will be transmitted to our future generations in a nature found, respected and safeguarded as best as possible, without any problem of sharing the energies available on Earth or from the sun, the waves traveling our universe, without conflict to plunder the wealth of others but with the sharing of our solidarity obtained by our work paid fairly with our full currency and our social rights.