Part 5 – Abandoning Political power systems

Technological environment for Positive Money

Ch 4 The Technological environment to use a Positive Money :

The study of the technological environment aims to take stock of technological advances and innovation in a given sector. It includes: The evolution of expenditure on research and business development; new patents filed; the latest scientific discoveries with technological applications; the obsolescence rate of current technologies.

Transposed to the use of a positive money, this question concerns the development of transactions for speculation on the upside and downside in the financial markets. This speculation is the source of profits for shareholders and financiers. It uses the most advanced technologies. But all these digital technologies are also the origin of digital pollution.

Opportunities or threats for using a positive money?

Knowledge of these techniques of manipulation and speculation of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy is essential before restoring a Positive Money without debt.

The reason is simple and obvious: they have eliminated this use of a full currency and they will not accept being ruined by the reinstatement of a new full currency. To defend themselves, they are capable of creating the worst financial, economic and also necessarily political crises, otherwise they are left with wars, now health genocides with the use of viruses and genetic manipulation, climate change and the destruction of crops. …They know how to do it!

Summary of the diagnosis of the external environment of a full currency (PESTEL method)

Positive Money is for us

Second part: strategic analysis :

II External diagnosis. 

Opportunities and threats in the environment of a Positive Money
for new use in life networks.

Chapter 4 The technological environment

Ch 1 The POLITICAL environmentCh 2 ECONOMIC environmentCh 3 SOCIOLOGICAL environmentCh 4 TECHNOLOGICAL environment
The Fight Against a Private Central Bank

Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Kennedy,

Maurice Allais warns politicians

Initiatives for a Positive Monney

The Anglo-Saxon Financial Oligarchy’s Threat

Pierre Leroux and the associations

Karl MARX and the American Bankers
Distributive economy

Free Trade/Protectionism

The additional cost of Capital

the debt burden

repayment of public debts

solution to repay debts
The impoverishment of the population

wealth inequality

violence by the rich

discrediting the elites

Solidarity villages Marinaleda, Ungersheim

les SEL Local Exchange Services

Local currencies

Private currencies
the sale of financial securities

the casino economy

the stock markets are rising, the economy is flat

the big bubble machine US

Five ways finance has gone crazy

The blockchain a common good
Ch5 ÉCOLOGICAL environmentCh 6 LEGAL environment
Global warming

energy transition, sustainable development

political ecology

What is political ecology

The Climate Convention
money controls the economy

the central bank alone creates money

off-balance sheet management of investment banks

Money in Medieval Europe

the Swiss Initiative Monnaie Pleine
money owned by commercial banks

Glass-Steagall Act, security solution

Increasing fractional reserves

” The” solution to banking crises.

1) the sale of the financial securities containing the debts.

A debt is a promise to repay at a given maturity. Owning debt on someone or a country can be a guarantee that the money used to buy that debt will pay out with the corresponding interest on its due date, knowing that some borrowing countries theoretically cannot become insolvent.

the industrialization of sales of financial securities

The research and development of banking technologies became notable during the 2006 crisis with the multiplication of mortgage loans, subprime loans, even for households already heavily indebted and which with variable credit rates quickly became insolvent when these interest rates rose sharply with the crisis. The crisis of 2008 is based on the industrialization of the sales of securities whose content consists of various public or private debts with a greater or lesser probability of non-recovery, the toxic securities of which the most famous were then the CDS. We presented this crisis on the page “Our dear enemies, the processes they use”

The innovation of Li’s copula.

This innovation, which is based on a statistical tool brought by mathematician David Li, Li‘s copy, from the JP Morgan bank, was developed in this bank by the team of Blythe Masters, from 1994 and especially after 2000.

It presents CDS in this way: “By breaking down barriers between different classes, maturities, rated classes, senior debt levels, etc., derivative credits will create enormous opportunities to exploit and take advantage of the discontinuities associated with the valuation of credit risk.” …/… “

By expanding liquidity, derivative credits are the equivalent of a “free game” whereby both sellers and buyers of a risk benefit from the efficiency associated with gains.”

To put it bluntly for a champion of “aggressive” stock market speculation such as George Soros, who does not like financial crises triggered by others”, credit default swaps are destructive instruments that must be prohibited by law… This is like insuring your neighbor against death, and then killing him to collect the insurance premium.” George Soros 12 June 2009 on Bloomberg Tv. (source: Blythe Masters, Pierre Jovanovic, Le jardin des Livres, 2011).

This innovation caused financial damage. The process is mostly related to insurance techniques but insurance reinsurance to pool risks and be able to cope with them. This represents huge sums of money to be tied up. Commercial banks, on the other hand, want to create financial products from their customers’ debt without having to raise substantial funds and the CDS product was designed to use even less fixed assets as collateral… since statistically the risk was not feasible… even if it eventually came to be massively realized!

We have seen how private central banks and the FED first managed the swap of unpaid debts from commercial and central banks to the backs of states, the biggest hold-up in history.

The case of Greece’s debt at the beginning of the 2010s.

Increasingly indebting some states and not others is part of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy’s political arsenal to develop its world government. The aim is to capture, steal the wealth of one and the other, especially the savings of the citizens and the wealth of the states or that of the “slightly less rich than them”.

Goldman Sachs specialized in seeking power over states or over savers, financial firms.

This report by Arte explains the case of Greece’s debt in the early 2010s.

Question: When a commercial bank borrows money from the American Central Bank (FED) at a rate of 0.01% and makes a loan to Greece at a rate of 17%, what is the profit rate of this bank? Answer : you get a multiplier of 1,700, i.e. profits impossible outside of a financial crisis or a war.

In 2021 we learned that the Greek government is buying Rafale aircraft and for its navy, frigates full of electronics, from France and as used equipment. High finance continues its organization of regional wars which are as much an opportunity to find profits and profits impossible in peacetime. As the rot of conflicts in the Middle East over fossil fuels, oil and gas continues, the threat of conflict between Turkey and its neighboring countries, now on the west side, Greece, Libya and North Africa, is moving closer to the region with the most wealth and savings, Western Europe, once again,

The case of Ukraine

In Ukraine, the Orange Revolution and then the Maidan events gave rise to a new source of political tensions between the West and Russia.

Document :

“The war in Ukraine first appeared to the Americans as an additional difficulty, then they saw it as an opportunity. Which concretely resulted in the enlargement of NATO, even if Turkey slows things down, without qualms, in its own interest; then by the increased dependence of the European Union on the United States both in traditional security terms and in the field of energy. The United States is playing remarkably. I would like Europeans to learn to become as good strategists as they are. This is a key question for the future of the European Union. »

Source :

A country’s debt is only the starting point in these criminal policies of international plutocracy. Their world government aims to eliminate national states to impose its exclusive use of collective property, just as it wants to eliminate private property, especially that of farmers on their land.

2) The casino economy and the profits of speculators outside the real economy.

Computer and telecommunications technologies have provided market value for the entire economy. Speculation is based on estimating a future value based on probability-calculated conditions.

Fictitious capital.

Alongside the economic, social and technical capital of an organization, this stock market speculation develops fictitious capital.


In a brilliant essay that provides an alternative to Thomas Piketty’s book, the economist Cédric Durand demolishes the logic of “financial stability” and “fictional capital,” argues for “de-accumulation,” and points to the struggles to be waged against finance. ( The fictitious capital, by Cédric Durand, Les prairies ordinaires, 17 euros.) According to him, it is the rise of a form of “fictional capital” that privileges financial interests over the interests of the real economy and deprives us of our political future.

These basic forms of fictitious capital exploded: from 1980 to 2012, their weight increased by 150-350% of GDP in the major rich economies. To keep fictitious capital valuable – what officials call financial stability! -, the securities must find a buyer at all times. This is called “liquidity”. And that liquidity, in turn, depends on whether the expected stream of financial profits is realized. When governments, in the aftermath of crises, say that we must fight for financial stability, they are, in effect, saying that we must fight for the right to financial profits.

This rise in the fictitious capital stock is an appropriation of our future. This is a stock of financial-profit promises with which the future must conform. While, at the margin, liberalized finance may have helped to accelerate innovation, its frenetic rise is driven largely by the logic of “dispossession.” The concept I borrow from the Marxist geographer David Harvey is about non-economic mechanisms that generate profit. Austerity policies and structural policies of labor deregulation and the commodification of new spheres are nothing more than policies implemented to honor the promises of profits, which have accumulated in the form of a fictional capital stock.

…/…Indeed, the takeover of shareholders in companies is inseparable from the appearance of new managers, less concerned with the company and its employees than with pursuing speculative interests. And as these new managers emerge, their incomes (through stock options, etc.) are more closely aligned with those of shareholders. So we can’t separate the rise of financialization from dynamics of pay inequality, restructuring highly unionized firms, and the rise of low-wage service jobs.


The casino economy

The following diagram shows the circuit of the real economy and that of the fictional economy, the casino economy.

“fictitious capital”: giving a value today to streams of income expected in the future. It is the operation which makes it possible to give a value to debts, shares and public debt. This is anticipation and speculation.

„fiktives Kapital“: Den in der Zukunft erwarteten Einkommensströmen heute einen Wert geben. Es ist die Operation, die es ermöglicht, Schulden, Aktien und Staatsschulden einen Wert zuzuordnen. Das ist Vorwegnahme und Spekulation.

“capital ficticio”: dar un valor hoy a los flujos de ingresos esperados en el futuro. Es la operación que permite dar valor a las deudas, a las acciones y a la deuda pública. Esto es anticipación y especulación.

“capitale fittizio”: dare valore oggi ai flussi di reddito attesi in futuro. È l’operazione che permette di dare valore ai debiti, alle azioni e al debito pubblico. Questa è anticipazione e speculazione.

Following the 2006-2008 crisis that continues into 2021, we have experienced the speculative movements of the 2010s and their dire consequences throughout humanity.

To recover, speculators started with oil prices. They raised prices and then found that the producing countries had armed themselves heavily and that this speculation was reinforcing dictatorships or theocracies, in short serving a ruling class and that their peoples were suffering more and more. As a result, Wall Street speculators have been speculating downward for new and higher stock-market profits.

Upward speculation shifted to food products. “Rare food, great prospects of making a profit”! That is more or less how UBS sought to attract investors in February 2008. “Gold is in the fields” was the title of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine” in January 2012. Investments in farm values looked attractive.

The race was on for investments in commodities. As a result, the Middle East is no stranger to dictatorship and rising food prices, which have fueled the Arab Spring and revolts of misery elsewhere.

Document :

World stock markets are rising, the economy is flat.

How did this documentary come about?

I had made several films about raw materials, and the idea of attacking oil was on my mind. The black gold industry is so lucrative and so complex that I wanted to understand the economic and geopolitical issues behind it… Between 2014 and 2016, the price of a barrel lost 70% of its value. That was a click.

What happened?

Since the 1970’s, the world has lived under the threat of “peak oil” – the fateful moment when supplies run out. But, against all odds, the opposite has happened. We are now witnessing global overproduction, owing to the emergence of shale oil in the United States. And yet, by 2012, Alexandre Andlauer, a French analyst, had observed that many oil fields in Texas were coming on stream and had anticipated that oil prices would collapse. But at the time, everyone thought he was crazy.

Your film highlights an incredible standoff between Saudis and Americans…

Opec (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), of which Saudi Arabia is a member, was created to give oil producers political clout globally. In 1973, they decided to turn off the taps and turn up the price of a barrel of oil, triggering the first oil shock. But, in the early 2010s, the Saudis grossly underestimated US shale oil production. From 2014 to 2016, they drove down the price of brent to force the Americans to kneel. That was without Americans’ adaptability and resilience…so today the United States is producing 11 million barrels a day, ahead of Saudi Arabia, which is capping at 10 million. What a great stunt!

The film shows that the financial markets have taken over oil since the 1970s. They saw this resource as a tremendous speculative product. In 2007, oil prices rose to $147 per barrel. An absolute record! With extraordinary cynicism, an ex-trader in the documentary remembers it as a blessed era, when the world was walking backwards … She depicts the same uninhibited reality as Martin Scorsese in The Wolf of Wall Street. Today, finance’s grip on oil is still real. The market acts as a barometer in times of economic crisis.



The price of a barrel of US oil fell sharply on Monday, April 20, 2020. Speculators were even willing to pay to get rid of them! Although the sharp fall on Black Monday was due to technical reasons, it nevertheless reveals a structurally downward trend on the international oil markets.

Never seen before! The price of a barrel of WTI oil, which serves as a benchmark on the New York Stock Exchange, fell by more than 100% on Monday.

The West Texas Intermediate contract – pumped into the basement of the state of Texas and stored in Oklahoma – for delivery in May thus ended in the negative at about -$40. So some speculators were willing to pay to get rid of it!

But the scale of the decline is also explained by the financialization of the black gold market, as explained here by the economist Maxime Combes, who also spoke for the association Attac: “Before being a physical barrel, oil is today a financial product like any other, therefore subject to downward speculation”. In concrete terms, “a barrel of oil is traded thousands of times in contracts before it is extracted and delivered physically,” says the economist. For white-collar speculators sitting comfortably at the back of their computers, storing “real” oil would be far too expensive. Thus, currently, “traders are getting rid of their ‘paper oil’, these famous delivery contracts for May”, but “nobody wants to buy them”, sums up Maxime Combes.

end of document

3) High Frequency Trading (THF)

One consequence of these controversial and criminal speculations was the idea of being able to speculate quietly outside the real economy and geopolitical considerations.

Finance likes to calculate everything, and computers like algorithms. The whole then forms High Frequency Trading (HFT), apparently the most efficient working tool for speculators and traders, their executors.

Document: extracts

High-frequency trading (HFT) is the high-speed execution of algorithmically driven financial transactions, the dictionary says. This is a method of automatic trading. Virtual market operators can execute stock market transactions on a microsecond (0.000001 second) scale. The transaction speed of THF was still 20 milliseconds at the end of the decade 2010. It increased to 113 microseconds in 2011 (a speed 181 times higher, ndlr). Using these technical means, THF operators implement trading tactics. In my view, it is better to speak of “tactics” – in the very short term – than of strategy, which implies a longer-term vision.

…/…The practice of THF is not against the law, it is very poorly regulated. It is based on perfectly mastered computer and mathematical techniques. It allows for regular and substantial gains. This alone explains its rise: it has long been known that any technical innovation will be implemented anytime soon. Except in cases where there is no profitability.

Who benefits from these algorithms?

THF generates gains. For a trader, that is a sufficient return. In fact, it is the only motivation. Especially since, in my opinion – but, I repeat, we lack studies – the use of THF in the very short term does not in any way prevent profits from also being made on medium- or long-term strategies.

…/… If we extend the questioning of the THF to finance, it is not automation that is the main element since today everything is automated or is likely to be automated. What I find problematic is Kearns’s observation that “a vast system that no science can describe.” He’s right.


Document: extracts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

…/…Despite this weakness in the global economy, equity markets are soaring in the US and climbing in Europe where recession is raging.

Decoupling is increasingly important between the real and “virtual economies.”

The cause is simple:

  • austerity reigns in the real economy, owing to tax hikes, budget cuts, and weak wage growth.
  • enthusiasm reigns in the virtual economy thanks to the increase in results (low wage costs!) but especially thanks to the huge amounts of money poured by the central banks into the financial markets: 1000 billion dollars lent to the European banks at a derisory rate over three years, more than 1000 billion dollars of assets purchased each year in the financial markets by the American Central Bank and more than 500 billion dollars of assets purchased each year by the Japanese Central Bank. Indeed, another stock-market bubble may be inflating.

Taking from the poor while giving to the rich: the system is on its head!

That is why we must invent another system, putting the state back at the center of the economic game by giving it back control over the Central Bank so that the creation of money can be used to finance projects in the real economy, useful, profitable projects (transition to renewable energies, piggyback, electric or hydrogen cars …) that irrigate the entire economy and not dump dumpsters of money in the Financial Markets, thus fueling the rise of the highest fortunes.

We did that in the 1945-80s with the nuclear program, the water and wastewater pipeline program, and the telephone line for all program. We must start again with the infrastructure of the future, taking into account the constraints of respect for the environment and finitude of natural resources (energy transition, recycling, eco-design, etc.).

Philippe Murer is a professor of vacant finance at the Sorbonne and a member of


Document, excerpts: Who is the master of games in the casino economy?

4) The great American bubble machine.

Document : Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone – July 2009 translated by J.L.

Goldman Sachs has engineered all of the market manipulation since the Great Depression

From high-tech stocks to high gasoline prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered all of the market manipulation since the Great Depression – and it is poised to do so again.

The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a formidable vampire octopus wrapped around humanity, ruthlessly sinking its stamp wherever there is money. Indeed, the story of the recent financial crisis, and of the demise of an American empire ruined by crooks, reads like the Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.

…/… The bank’s unprecedented power and clout enabled it to turn America into a giant money pump, manipulating entire economic sectors for years, pulling its pawns when a market collapses, and all the time gorging on hidden costs that are shattering families everywhere – oil prices, consumer credit rates, half-eaten pension funds, massive layoffs, future taxes to pay for bailouts. All that money you lose, it goes somewhere and, literally and figuratively, it goes to Goldman Sachs. The bank is a giant, highly sophisticated machine for converting useful wealth into the least useful, most wasted substance possible – the sheer profit of already wealthy individuals.

…/… They do this using the same protocol over and over again. The formula is relatively simple: Goldman is in the middle of a speculative bubble, selling investments that they know are shit. They then suck vast sums from society’s middle and lower classes, aided by an invalid and corrupt state that allows them to rewrite the rules in exchange for a few tips the bank gives to politicians. In the end, when the bubble bursts, leaving millions of ordinary citizens out in the cold, they start the whole process over again, coming to our rescue and lending us with interest our own money, while presenting themselves as selfless men, just a bunch of fancy guys who are there to help the spinning machine. They have done this to us time and again since the 1920s – and today they are preparing to do it again by creating what may well be the largest and most brazen bubble of all time.

If you want to understand how we got into this financial crisis, you first have to understand where all the money went – and to understand that, you have to understand how Goldman handled itself in the past. It is a story of exactly five bubbles – including last year’s peak oil price, which seems odd and inexplicable. There were many losers in both bubbles, and in the subsequent bailout. But Goldman was not among them.

Goldman Sachs Commodities Index

…/…Armed with his half-secret government exemption, Goldman had become the chief architect of a massive gambling hall.

Its Goldman Sachs Commodities Index – an index that tracks prices of the top 24 commodities, but in which oil is overweight – became the place where pension funds, insurance companies, and other institutional investors could place massive long-term bets on commodity prices.

It would have been great if it hadn’t been for a few little problems. One of these problems was that index speculators mostly make bets on the upside[37] and rarely on the downside[38]. If this type of behavior is good for an equity market, it is bad for commodities, because it makes prices continually rise. “If index speculators had also taken positions on the downside and the upside, you would have seen prices go up and down,” said Michael Masters, manager of a hedge fund that helped expose the role of investment banks in manipulating the price of oil. “But they are pushing prices in one direction: up.”

Paper oil trading drives up prices

But it wasn’t actual oil consumption that was driving up prices – it was the trade in paper oil. By the summer of 2008, commodity speculators had purchased and piled enough oil options[40] to fill 1.1 billion barrels of oil, meaning that speculators had more oil in the long run, in paper form, than there was physical oil stored in all the country’s storage tanks, including those in the Strategic Reserve.[41] It was a repeat of both the dot-com bubble and the property bubble, as Wall Street whipped up daily profits by selling to idiots shares in a fantastic future where prices would rise forever.

In what had become a painfully familiar process, the oil watermelon struck the sidewalk in the summer of 2008, causing a massive loss of wealth; the price of crude plunged from $147 to $33.[42] Again, the big losers were ordinary people. Pensioners, whose pension funds had invested in this crap, were slaughtered: CALPERS[43], the pension fund of California civil servants, had $1.1 billion invested in commodities when the fall came. And the damage didn’t just come from oil. Inflated by the commodity bubble, food prices triggered calamities around the world, starving an estimated 100 million people and sparking hunger riots across the Third World.

The financial safari and tax money

…/… After the oil bubble imploded in the fall of 2008, there was no bubble left to keep the wheels turning – this time, the money seems to have really gone, like a global depression. So the financial safari moved elsewhere, and the big game of hunting was the only piece of unguarded and stupid capital left: tax money. It was here, in the largest bailout in history, that Goldman Sachs really began flexing its muscles.

…/… How is that possible? According to Goldman’s annual report, the low level of taxes is largely due to changes in the “geographical distribution of profits.”

In other words, the bank shifted its money so that its profits would be located in low-tax foreign countries. Because our system of taxing large corporations is completely screwed up, companies like Goldman can ship their income to tax havens and defer taxes on that income indefinitely, even if they claim deductions from the same untaxed income in advance.

That is why any large corporation with a public accountant on an empty stomach at least once in a while can, in general, figure out a way to reduce its taxes to zero. In fact, a report by the government’s accounting office[49] found that between 1998 and 2005, about two-thirds of all large corporations operating in the US paid no tax there.


Financial-system officials do not care about technical arguments, but they mostly use political arguments, placing their representatives in strategic positions in most important countries. We have seen, in France, in Switzerland, that the drafters of laws that prevent states from using the creation of money directly from their treasuries, have been promoted to President of a large bank in their country. This strategy is global and bears fruit in the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy’s process of global governance.

document excerpts: Goldman Sachs continues to manipulate the European economy. Published on 27/11/2012

original document:

french translation:

The “surprise” announcement that Canada’s Mark Carney will be appointed Governor of the Bank of England means that whoever attended this year’s Bilderberg Group meeting completes Goldman Sachs’s virtual dominance of all major European economies. …/…

Zero Hedge, who also predicted that Carney would challenge the odds and secure the position of BA governor, notes today that “all we need to understand and remember about how global events unfold is this very simple thing: GOLDMAN SACHS IS IN CHARGE. Everything else is completely secondary.’

As the chart below shows (see the original article), the economies of France, Ireland, Germany, and Belgium are also controlled by individuals who have a direct relationship with Goldman Sachs. The giant international banker, notorious for his legacy of corruption and insider trading, now holds enormous influence in virtually every major Western economy on the planet.

end of document.

The new carbon credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities casino

Document: extracts

The new carbon credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities casino that was so good for Goldman, except that it has a tasty new twist: if the plan goes ahead as expected, the price rise will be imposed by the government . Goldman won’t even have to rig the game. He will from the start.

Will this market be bigger than the energy futures market?

“Oh, he’s going to be several heads taller than him,” says a former member of the House Energy Committee.

Well, you might say, what does it matter? If cap-and-trade succeeds, won’t we all be saved from the catastrophe of global warming? Maybe – but cap-and-trade, as Goldman sees it, is just a carbon tax constructed in such a way that private interests collect the proceeds. Instead of simply imposing a flat government tax on carbon pollution and forcing dirty energy producers to pay for the pollution they cause, cap-and-trade will allow a small tribe of Wall Street to glut themselves like pigs by transforming yet another raw material market into a system of private tax collection. This is worse than the bailout: it allows the bank to capture taxpayer money before it is even collected.

source :

Goldman Sachs — The Great Bubble Machine

We will return to this point at greater length in the ecological environment, the following chapter.

The environmental movement must be aware of this takeover by Goldman Sachs on this lucrative carbon credit market which is absolutely not intended to finance the energy transition and the fight against climate change.

The best solution is, as with the financing of nuclear power plants and the reconstruction of the country after 1945, the use of a full currency with a government that directs monetary creation directly with its Treasury.

5) Evidence that finance has gone crazy.

Document :

Paris Match | Published on 11/02/2015 at 10:45 pm |Updated on 12/02/2015 at 13:28 By Adrien Gaboulaud

Speculation is the most important operation of investment banks

…/…In 2009, JP Morgan leased a supertanker for nine months to store fuel oil, as reported at Bloomberg. What can a bank do with one of these giant tankers? In order to be able to speculate on commodity markets, banks are sometimes willing to invest in storage facilities or even ships. This allows, for example, a large quantity of oil to be kept for a few months in anticipation of higher prices. Commodity markets are the scene of exchanges which do not, in the vast majority, correspond to a transaction between a producer and a buyer. Oil, wheat or coffee are changing hands for the sole purpose of betting on price changes. Volume can give you vertigo: through speculation, the equivalent of the world’s wheat production was traded eight times in 2010.

According to the authors of the “Black Book”, this speculation adds instability to prices and can lead to terrible crises. “The consequences are staggering, speculation on raw materials has created famines,” says Agnès Rousseaux. “Speculation, when it is reasonable, provides liquidity. When someone wants to cover a risk, someone else has to take the risk. But speculation has grown to the point where it has become the most important operation,” Plihon said.

Algorithms and “intraday”

…/…“Financiers are people who benefit from price differences between different products or between different financial centers. Today, thanks to advances in computing, people are working at the speed of light. They are able to detect the smallest deviations with very powerful algorithms and try to take advantage of them. They do it on what’s called the “intraday,” hundreds and thousands of round trips in a single day. It’s the machines that do this work. At times, things get out of hand: the algorithm is imperfect and you lose control of what you have created,” Plihon says. The speed race is such that banks are looking to set up shop closer to the trading floors, to reduce latency and do even more operations.

The usefulness of high-frequency trading for the economy is almost zero, according to Dominique Plihon. ‘In addition, 95% of the transactions made are canceled. This is pure manipulation,” says Rousseaux.

…/… According to the authors of the “Black Book”, the activities of the big banks in tax havens make them complicit in the optimization and tax evasion that costs the States so much. In France, the shortfall in public finances is estimated at between €30 and €36 billion in a 2012 Senate report. That is more than the defense budget – €31.4 billion.


other sources of documentation:

6) Blockchain, a common good.

We had been to a meeting of the Blockchain Alsace group on December 13, 2017 in Strasbourg and we put a report of this meeting in Part 4 the Art of Living. Several projects were presented that evening.

We are adding an article here to clarify that this digital technology makes it possible to avoid the financial speculations that we have just talked about. In this sense, it is then a common good.

In the presentation of the economic institution of the Commons, in Part 1, we indicated that researchers were already working to develop new common goods in the digital domain.

Elinor Ostrom has worked more particularly on the new common goods which are the development of knowledge linked to IT, free software, shared knowledge.

Here we go again.


The technologies used by high finance and stock exchanges are most often specific to the functioning of financial markets. However, new technologies are developing and are a real alternative to debt money and the endless indebtedness of non-financial economic agents.

Blockchain, when used by citizens, cooperatives, and companies seeking to escape debt money, is a credible and efficient solution even if it is far from replacing a positive money. Its way of working, its design philosophy on the other hand make it a real common good.


Sajida Zouarhi: By giving power back to the citizen, blockchain is a common good”

March 16, 2021.

Since it is nonsense for blockchain subjects like Gravelotte, Corentin Luce spoke with Sajida Zouarhi, an engineer who was among the 40 most influential women in France in 2019 according to Forbes.

An exclusive interview with Sajida Zouarhi, directed by Corentin Luce.

Sajida Zouarhi began her career as a research engineer at Orange Labs and the Grenoble Computer Laboratory. She has co-founded several blockchain projects and platforms, and has worked with Consensys, one of the leading blockchain companies. She also became a technology strategy advisor at Nomadic Labs, a Tezos protocol R&D center. She is currently developing her educational platform for the general public: Blockchain Mentor.

Blockchain creates a collective, transparent and incorruptible source of truth. It can be seen as a distributed transaction log that is collectively updated by a community of actors, without the intervention or authorization of any central authority.

Blockchain is a design philosophy. The term “technology” is too restrictive because we are also seeing with blockchain a change of economic and social paradigm. It is necessary to understand these three dimensions in order to properly understand the innovative character of blockchain.

Blockchain allows people to cooperate without prior trust. If satisfied with the service, users can choose to trust the company or team developing an application. Today the system works backwards, when you want to use a service, you have to trust by default and accept all the conditions. The user has no choice.

Blockchain is a way of designing both computer and human systems that make decentralized governance possible. This creates more transparent and effective frameworks for cooperation, sharing and value transfer.

There is already a lack of trust in some institutions and intermediaries. More and more, citizens are unhappy with central authorities that have become too powerful or greedy. In this sense, blockchain does not create more mistrust; on the contrary, it enables distrustful actors to work together.

If we take the example of the banks in which we invest our money, we are completely excluded financially from this market. But we know that money doesn’t sleep, banks make it work. Where is the fruit of this work to which we have contributed by immobilizing our capital?

The meager value our savings generate shows up only in ridiculous rates that do not even make up for inflation. So we are told that the bank secures our money, yes, at least when things are going well.

In an economic crisis, the banks will protect each other and, if necessary, backfire. Today, our savings above a certain threshold (€100,000) can be used to save the banking system, which is built on a pyramid-shaped dynamic that is very fragile in the event of a systemic failure. People’s savings are the safety net of banks. One-way solidarity.

Consider the 2008 crisis, when people were denied the right to withdraw their savings from banks. This means that unless we have cash under our mattress or cryptocurrencies, we do not own our money.

But blockchain does not mean the death of middlemen. It simply means that middlemen must resume their more moderate place in the value chain. A place that truly corresponds to the services they provide.

How does France welcome blockchain and bitcoin?

There are forces pushing in the opposite direction. In France, you hear a lot of people like Bruno Le Maire linking cryptocurrencies to terrorism, trafficking and money laundering… This is the meaning of a hidden ordinance to regulate cryptocurrencies under the pretext of terrorism.

First, the link is disingenuous, given that only a tiny fraction of cryptos are used for illicit purposes – less than 1%, according to Reuters.

Moreover, blockchain is a powerful tool for fighting criminals, as was recently demonstrated by the Chain Analysis report that the FBI relied on in its investigation of the January 6, 2021, Assault on the Capitol. A Frenchman had sent $500,000 worth of Bitcoin to members of the US ultra-right, tracing the money back to everyone involved.

That is the power of blockchain and, in this case, Bitcoin. It’s a foolproof way to track money transactions, and no one can corrupt the registry.

So there is massive misinformation out there to convince people that owning bitcoin is holding criminals’ money. These narratives slow and discourage awareness of bitcoin in France and other blockchain implementations.

ADAN and other ecosystem players are working to ensure that France does not miss the crypto-asset opportunity as it had already missed out on the Internet with minitel. It was the spirit behind the hashtag #3615Crypto that spread on Twitter following Bruno Le Maire’s comments.

How can we avoid misinformation on such complex topics?

There are several biases, but the main one is education. When, according to the government, 85% of the French have no financial education, there is something to be afraid of! Before speaking of Bitcoin, therefore, many things need to be reconsidered, such as the three main functions of money: a unit of account, an intermediary of trade, a store of value.

…/… I do not think that we should stop spending energy, but rather ask ourselves: what is it being used for? The value Bitcoin brings to humanity is immense. The energy needed to run it is by no means wasted, since without Bitcoin we would have no alternative to the traditional state-run monetary system in 2021.

In this sense, the Bitcoin protocol is a common good.

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7) Digital pollution

It designates all sources of environmental pollution produced by digital tools.

It is divided into two parts:

Pollution linked to the manufacturing of equipment: smartphones, tablets, computers, connected devices, etc.

Pollution linked to the operation of the Internet: data centers and other network infrastructures

The web and more generally the digital sector are increasingly being singled out for their environmental impact. Today, some even say that a connected person is the worst polluter.

Other document:

To get an idea, here are some figures that represent the ecological impact of digital technology in 2022.

Some alarming figures

According to the study conducted in 2019 by, the annual global footprint of the web amounts to 1,500 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent and 7.8 billion cubic meters of water.

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Conclusion on the technological environment of a full currency

opportunities :

As we have just shown through several press articles and books, the financialization of the economy and its speculative excesses are well known and documented. These abuses are easily explainable to citizens and the solutions to eliminate them through the use of solid currency become more concrete and practical.

The players in this casino economy are few in number even if they are very powerful: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan who organize the financial bubbles and the crises that result from them. The target is therefore restricted and well known.

Blockchain as a technology is an opportunity but this technology is also used by multinational or transnational firms, the new founders of large companies who thus escape the law of Wall Street and the appetites of investment funds and shareholders.

Used to support a Full Currency, it reinforces the security of bills of exchange and commercial instruments during their circulation and makes it possible to quickly find criminals who would hijack its operation.

threat :

The main threat has been indicated: Goldman Sachs is everywhere and for decades this investment bank has placed its former executives in key positions in the global economy, mainly at the head of private central banks. The Bank of France has been nationalized since 1945 but has lost its influence since the euro and the ECB (European Central Bank) which is independent of the member states of the euro zone.

The other threat is daily: the continuation of the 2006-2008 crisis and the incessant restructuring of companies under the influence of shareholder tyranny. We have indicated that since 2013, JP Morgan has been demanding strong powers in Europe for the success of austerity plans and that of the repayment of public debts and the privatization of the public sector, especially in France. In 2023, pension reform fits exactly within the framework of these policies of austerity and strong and tyrannical political power against citizens.

High finance and its fictitious capital do not support the social rules and social achievements obtained by the unions. It therefore strives to endlessly restructure these companies which are linked to a power other than its own. Can they abandon this culture of cost-killing to remove everything that harms and slows down the optimization of dividends for shareholders alone?

Digital pollution and its impact on energy consumption must also be assessed by adding up the harmful effects of screens and waves on the human mind and body, addictions, and loss of reading and writing.

From the 1960s, in the USA, television and the consumption of pizza in front of the television set were the causes of the development of illiteracy and obesity. What can we say today with screens everywhere and all the time and in terms of prepared meals, a choice and availability at all times never seen in the past?

This digital addiction is the consequence of the total control of human beings put in place by the leaders of the World Government of Anglo-Saxon high finance. How then can we imagine citizens exercising their mission of authority in local assemblies as part of their political action?

However, Monnaie Pleine is easy to use and does not allow the slightest speculation. Anticipation of the future exists but in Life Networks, it is the project teams and citizens gathered in their political institutions who decide on their future and the works that raise the standard of living and are transmitted to future generations without digital pollution and with only passion, life in freedom. We are in another civilization.

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