Part 5 – Abandoning Political power systems

Our dear enemies, the processes they use?

“If the people of this nation understood our banking and monetary system, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”


« The only thing that allows evil to triumph is the inaction of good ». Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

« It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his poor people so busy with his daily tasks that he does not have time for rebellion. » Aristotle.

Bonaparte le pouvoir financier

« When a government is dependent on the bankers for money, it is the latter, not the leaders of the government who control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that receives. Money has no homeland; financiers have no patriotism and have no decency; Their only objective is the gain.» Napoléon Bonaparte.

We just presented in file 1, Dear enemies, Who are they?

In this file 2, we will analyze the processes they use to maximize their profits and expand their dominance over the world economy and then over the economic and social, cultural policies of nations through their Global Government.

We retain six processes that financiers use to maximize their profits and dominate people.

  1. Ownership of a central bank common to the 8 families that controls the central banks of the countries.
  2. Hidden inflation. For the financial oligarchy, inflation is a weapon, a means to make a fortune.
  3. Economic and financial crises.Their organization and management allows for amazing profits that otherwise would not be possible.
  4. Financial policies since 2010 to weaken the European Union and the Euro zone.
  5. The direction of military conflicts and wars, including world wars, was the process that initially allowed them to become rich and take power over monarchies and empires.
  6. Image control of a business or product: propaganda and the society of consumption and waste. This process was born in the 1930s to create new consumer desires and avoid the over-production capacity, a fatal risk to the liberal capitalist system. From control of the image of a brand or a product, control of information, control of the thinking of human beings, control of technology and social development have been put in place.

These 6 processes combine most of their actions. Process 5, the organization of wars, will be detailed in File 3 the planning and conduct of wars.

In File 3, it is about understanding how they organize and conduct wars that give them a magnificent return that is impossible in times of peace. In particular, we will analyze the Second World War, the consequences of which remain today.

In File 4, the current Affairs, we will show that control of the economy is not limited to financial measures but that this Anglo-Saxon oligarchy develops control of consumers and more broadly the control of thought, mental control, always for the original purpose of the Anglo-Saxon puritans who claim they are predestined to govern the world: dominate peoples and eliminate their opponents who are unable to follow the divine guidance of their global government.

This paper on our enemies of finance, which is led by the Anglo-Saxon Puritan sect, is used to know and understand how they work to enrich themselves and to submit us with their world government in the system of economic capitalist and neo-liberal power.

This knowledge is complementary to those that describe the operation of a solid currency and the management of our common assets. These are the two antinomous ways of producing and distributing labor-produced wealth. We need to know them, we need to teach them, first to break free from the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy and then knowingly, to act in a radically opposite, opposite way, in order to develop another civilization much more humanistic in our Life Networks.

The reader will find in this technical documentation many press articles that date from the events reported. It is a way of maintaining direct access to this past, whose consequences are still present and far from complete, as the plan of the leaders of the « Government » and has been visibly accelerating since 2020.

The 3 articles of this file 2 are associated with the PDF presentation of file 2. It includes 71 pages and the summary uses hypertext links to go directly to a question or a subject addressed.

The origin of bankers’ power for centuries and always present.

The relationship between kings, princes and bankers is well-known, and the method is simple: when the king spends more than he is able to raise taxes on his people, the banker lends money to him and the king falls under his dependency. If he wants to pay back, the easiest solution too is to plunder the neighboring kingdom.

In this financial system, very quickly the bankers can come together to urge the kings to wage war, to borrow to raise armies of mercenaries and then to defeat him, to borrow to rebuild his kingdom. So bankers make fabulous fortunes by plunging people into misery and devastation! But it is their law of money and maximizing their profits!

This criminal practice took off after the destruction of the Temple order, whose bank served the interests of the people and not the interests of the kings. One of the first examples is in Alsace, when Germanic princes wanted to pledge to bankers what taxes should be levied on Alsatian cities’ resources. Ten cities refused and gathered around the Decapole in 1354, partially restoring the network organization of the time of the cathedrals, abbeys and knights of Templars: these are the free cities of Alsace that tourists from all over the world always come to visit: the wealth remained there and did not fall into the hands of those european bankers who were always eager to extend their power to kings and princes, the nobles.

Yet from the very beginning of this endeavor to dominate the world, there were men who understood that we had to fight this criminal ideology. One of the first was Thomas JEFFERSON, the third President of the United States of America from 1801 to 1809. In 1802 he made the following statement:

I think banking institutions are more dangerous to our freedoms than whole armies ready for battle. If the American people ever allow private banks to control their currencies, the banks and all the institutions that will blossom around the banks will deprive people of all possession, first by inflation, then by recession, until the day their children wake up, without a house and without a roof, on the land their parents conquered.”

A banker takes issue with creating money from nothing:

«The modern banking system makes money from scratch. This process is perhaps the most amazing trick of dexterity that has ever been invented. The bank was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take theirs, but let them have the power to create the money, and in a lap of their hands, they will create enough money to buy it back. Take that power away from them, and all the big fortunes like mine will disappear, and that would be good, because then we would have a better and happier world. But if you want to continue to be the slaves of banks and pay the price of your own slavery, then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit ». 

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England 1880 – 1941.

Indeed, the methods of this Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy are to weigh the periods of inflation and then the periods of recession to create and plunder the wealth produced by people in peacetime, because in times of war, the opportunities for wealth are even more fabulous and rapid.

This power of bankers depended on the initial confidence or submission of kings and emperors. Industrial development and the development of international trade were an opportunity to take control of the economy and become the sole masters of the world above kings, emperors and above all by controlling and financing or refusing to finance representative democracies born with the 18th and 19th centuries.

To achieve this, the union of the families of international bankers to create and run their own private bank was the decisive weapon in this conquest of power. It’s the first process, the basic process on which the next ones are based.

The power of a central bank common to the 8 families that controls the central banks of the countries.

« Let me decide and control the regulation of a nation’s money supply, and I don’t care what makes the laws. » Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the banking dynasty of the same name.

The creation of Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.

This is the first step.

In 1913, Paul Moritz Warburg led the tiny, select group that managed one of the biggest hold-ups in human history: the creation of Federal Reserve Bank. It had already been nearly 75 years since bankers of all kinds tried to do it. Presidents Lincoln, McKinley and Garfield were murdered for opposing it.


Antony Sutton’s “Federal Reserve Conspiracy” (translated in 2009) is a short book that reads in one day because he sticks to the bankers’ conspiracy against the American people between 1907 and 1913: it’s short, it’s dense, it’s clear, it’s appalling.

“The secrets of the Federal Reserve. The London connection”, by Eustace Mullins (translated into seven. 2010), is a bigger, well-written, well-documented book that goes back a longer period: after he, too, painstakingly described the scandalous plot of Jekyll Island (1910) and the next three years of lobbying, he showed, above all, the decisive role of this bank mafia in all the great wars of the 20th century: it’s terrible, they seem to be funding (and bribing) all the camps!

Eustace Mullins tells a key story of recent economic history – one that still determines how our economy operates.

1907: monetary panic undermines american capitalism. J.P. Morgan is now considered by many to be the source of the rumors that caused the panic in 1907.

1913: the Federal Reserve is constituted.

Between these two dates: six years of plots, betrayed oaths, shameless lies and carefully crossed half-truths. Six years, in which the big business bankers relied on their system’s programmed bankruptcy to rebuild their power.

It is this victory of the bankers that Mullins tells – a dark hour in the ever-repeated struggle between Capital and the people.

All of the dynamic of our contemporary economy was the result of that decisive moment, when the money-seller got himself the right to make the monetary sign. And this is happening for the first time, in practice, around the world.

Eustace Mullins has written a column for the biggest robbery in history.

Source: The Federal Reserve System has control over the nation’s monetary system, but is not accountable to anyone. It has no budget, is not audited, and no congressional committee is informed of or able to supervise its activities. » These are the words of the late Professor Murray N. Rothbard, economist and academic adviser at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

document on the Rothschild Brothers’ recommendations in 1863 to promote the development of private national banks and the response to the dangers of this measure:

this excerpt from Antony C. Sutton’s book « The Federal Reserve’s Conspiracy » illustrates the relationships between banks and democracy:

London, 25 June 1863

To Mrs. Lkleheimer; Morton and Vandergouldsp;

No. 3 Wall Street

New York, United States of America

Dear gentlemen:

A Mr. Sherman has written to us from a town in 0hio, United States, regarding the benefits that could be realized in national banking, in view of a recent law of your Congress, a copy of this law accompanies this letter.

This law was apparently taken over by the « British Bankers Association »’s project, and recommended to our American friends by the Association as a law that, if promoted, would prove to be a vast source of profit for the entire global banking fraternity.

Mr. Sherman says that never before has a law represented such an opportunity for the Capitalists to raise money It gives the National Bank almost complete control over national finances. « The few people who understand the system, he tells us, will have such an interest in it and will, on the other hand, be so dependent on its benefits, that there will be no opposition in this category, when the vast entity of the people, intellectually unable to understand the fabulous advantages that Capital will take away from such a system, will bear its burden without complaining, and perhaps even without suspecting that the system serves its interests […] »

Very respectfully, your Rothschild Brothers

the answer:

New York, 6 July 1863

Mrs. Rothschild Frères

London, England

Dear gentlemen:

Allow us here to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 25 in which you referred to a communication received from Mr. John Sherman of Ohio, Member of Parliament, stating the benefits and benefits of an American investment in accordance with the « National Bank Act ». Mr. Sherman displays all the brands and characteristics of a successful financial agent. His temperament is unlikely to embarrass feelings when a major opportunity is in sight. He is young, skillful and ambitious. It has set itself the goal of the US presidency and already has a seat in Congress (there is also no lack of financial ambitions). He legitimately believes that he has everything to gain from being friendly to men and institutions with large financial resources, who are sometimes not too careful with their methods when it comes to getting help from the government, or protecting themselves from unfriendly legislation.

With regard to the establishment of the National Bank and the nature of such an investment, as well as related profits, let us refer you to the accompanying circulars. who want:

« All persons whose number shall not be less than five shall be entitled to establish a National Banking Corporation»

« Unless you are in a city of 6,000 people* or less, a National Bank cannot have less than $1,000,000 in capital. »

« These are private companies designed for private gain, and they choose their own agents and employees. »

« They do not fall under the laws of the state, except for provisions that Congress may sometimes make. »

« They are entitled to receive deposits and to make loans of the equivalent for their own benefit. They can buy and sell coupons and coupons and they can do all kinds of banking. »

« Start a National Bank on the basis of $1,000,000 will require that amount (value to par) in US government bonds. »

« You can now get US government bonds at a 50 percent discount, and so a $1,000,000-capital bank can now be started at only $500,000. »

« These bonds are to be deposited in the U.S. Treasury, Washington, as a guarantee of the national bank’s currency that will be provided to the bank by the government. »

« The U.S. government will pay 6% interest on these bonds, with interest paid twice a year. It will be ensured that at the present price of bonds the interest paid by the government itself is 12 per cent gold on any currency invested. »

« The U.S. Government, having received the above-mentioned vouchers in deposit under the responsibility of its Treasurer; provide, on the basis of such a guarantee, national currencies to the banks which have deposited these bonds, has an annual interest rate of only one percent per year. »

« The currency is printed by the U.S. government on a model equivalent to the greenback dollars, so that people don’t notice the difference. even if that currency represents nothing but a promise from the bank to pay. »

« The demand for money is so large that this money can be easily loaned to the bank’s ATM with a 10% discount rate over a period of 30 or 60 days, which is around 12% interest on the currency. »

« Interest on the bonds, plus interest on the currency that the bonds guarantee, plus what business will yield incidentally, should mean that the bank’s gross earnings will be 28-33 1/3%. »

« National Banks have the privilege of increasing or restricting the volume of their currencies at will, and of course they are likely to guarantee or re-use loans according to whether they appear to be suitable or not. Since banks are part of a national organization and can easily act in concert to deny or increase loans, it follows that they are able, by common action, to refuse loans, to cause austerity in the money market and to cause a general decline in the nation’s output in a single week or even a single day. »

« National Banks pay no taxes on their bonds, their capital, or their deposits. »

By asking you to consider all this as strictly confidential [… . .]

With all respect,

lkelheimet; Morton and Vandergould »

Note: as early as 1863, the impact of private national banks on a country’s economy was properly described, and american parliamentarians and businessmen refused or advised this kind of measure. Forty years later, however, London’s financiers and Rothschild’s family will make their way.

The current economic system saved by oil?

1894, the U.S. is on the verge of bankruptcy, JP Morgan Bank is called in to the rescue by the U.S. Treasury, but in fact through the National City Bank closely linked to Rockefeller oil, the U.S. economy will be saved…

In 1907, the US court attack on Rockefeller brought stock prices down, Wall-street shatters so much Standard Oil has a significant impact on the US economy. The big Knickerbocker bank is bankrupt. On October 22, the bank faced a classical panic. The crowd grew as soon as the bank opened. According to The New York Times, « as soon as a depositary left the bank, ten others came in to claim their money and [the bank asked the police] to send men to maintain » order.[24] In less than three hours, $8 million went out of the Knickerbocker coffers. The company had to cease all operations shortly after noon[21].

On October 22 the US Treasury again calls on the rescue JP Morgan who himself calls on whom? Rockefeller! Again, the U.S. economy is being saved just … by oil.

Not convinced yet?

1910, secret meeting of bankers on Jekyll Island, creation of the EDF in perspective, only one of the bankers seems to have no interest in oil, but in the railways carrying that black gold. His name: JP Morgan!

document on the elimination of the main opponents of the US Federal Reserve, particularly during the sinking of the Titanic:

Evidence from one of the greatest False Flag in history orchestrated by bankers:

Shocking new evidence has emerged that JP Morgan carefully orchestrated the sinking of the Titanic to form the Federal Reserve

In 1889, Morgan Robertson wrote a book called « Wreck of the Titan », which detailed the disappearance of a luxury liner that hit an iceberg and killed everyone on board.The book became strangely prophetic as the Titanic disaster went on to the slightest detail from the book.

What was different about the Titanic was the massive political engagement it had after its fall. Some of the richest people in the financial industry died when the Titanic sank, and they all had one thing in common: they were opposed to the Federal Reserve.

Let’s get to facts:

1) JP Morgan financed and built the Titanic

2) JP Morgan booked a ticket for the trip but canceled the last second.

3) JP Morgan’s friend Milton Hersey also canceled at the last moment. (and so survived to build the Hersey food empire)

4) Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss, Jacob Astorall three opposed to the creation of the Federal Bank. Today, these men would be worth 11 billion dollars. The three men died on board the Titanic as it sank. All three died that night. John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, was a friend of Nikola Tesla and a strong opponent of the Federal Reserve.

5) There were no red flares on board to be reported to the lifeboats. There were only white rockets being used to signal a party and say everything was fine.

6) It was the first ship of its kind to be able to seal electromagnetically, which could also lock people under the bridge.

7) Captain Edward Smith was one of the most decorated captains of his time, and failing to do so might have been a detriment to him.

8) The author of the book was poisoned to death a few years after the sinking of the Titanic.

9) The Federal Reserve was established the following year.

The US Federal Reserve’s secret creation

document: The conspiracy of Jekyll Island

On November 22 of 1910, the luxurious private car of the rich Senator Nelson Aldrich was tied up on the train from New York to the south of the United States, and a few people board towards Georgia.

The trip will last two days and two nights and the occupants of this car will, with puerile ostentation, affect not knowing themselves, although their long journey has the same goal: duck hunting on a small island just a few steps from the coast of Georgie, Jekyll Island …/…

But the most important character among the participants was Paul Warburg. He was one of the richest men in the world. Its experience in the operation of European banks, its strong personality and skills made it the leader, the thinking head of the group and the true initiator of the creation of the EDF. It will reveal exceptional maneuverability in 1913, when the law was voted in Congress.

He was of German origin and then naturalized as an American citizen. In addition to being a partner of the Coon, Loeb and Company – in 1893 he married the daughter of banker Salomon Loeb, owner of the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co of New York – he represented the Rothschild banking dynasty of England and France. Together with his brother Felix, he also had close ties with his other brother Max Warburg, the chief director of the Warburg banking consortium of Germany and the Netherlands…./..

One of the strongest opponents of the banker’s plan – called the Aldrich Plan, or the Monetary Legislation Plan – was Charles Lindbergh Senior, a very active member of Congress. Lucid, he said on December 15, 1911:

« Our financial system is a fraud and will be a huge burden on the people… I say that we have a Monetary Trust. The Aldrich Plan is a simple manipulation in the interest of this Trust.[…] The Aldrich Plan is the Wall Street Plan. In 1907 nature responded as lovingly as possible and gave this country the most abundant harvest it had ever had. Other industries had worked perfectly and from a natural point of view all the right conditions were fulfilled for the year to be as prosperous as possible. Instead, a panic caused huge losses to the country. […] Today, considerable interests are being mobilized everywhere in order to push the adoption of the Aldrich Plan. It is believed that a substantial amount of money has been raised for this purpose. The Wall Street speculation brought the Panic of 1907. The depositor’s funds were lent to the players and everyone the Monetary Trust wanted to favor. Then when depositors wanted to get their money back, the banks didn’t have it anymore. This caused panic. » (Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., Banking, Currency and the Money Trust, 1913, p.131) 

Nothing was done about it, the bankers’ project finally took hold, as the clever conspirators had programmed. It was presented as a liberal measure against international finance.

The Federal Reserve Act passed

The voting in Congress, however, took place in an extraordinary way in this kind of forum. Indeed, the Federal Reserve Act was presented in a catimini and absolute discretion on December 23, 1913, at night between 1:30 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. when members of Congress were either asleep or on holiday for Christmas parties. The Democratic Members present, supported by President Wilson, said, with a hand on their hearts, that they were voting against the bankers’ project and « in favor of reducing the » privileges of bankers.

In the process, the draft was being put on the same day and immediately in the Senate, so that on December 23, 1913, at 6:02 a.m., the whole matter was closed and the draft was finally adopted.

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS),

Step two:

Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was established in 1930. It is the oldest international financial institution. Its legal status is that of an anonymous company, whose shareholders are central banks.

Under the Young Plan, which regulates the terms of war reparations imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles (hence its name), it has also been used to distribute funding for European reconstruction. With its original function becoming obsolete, it has become a dialog for major central banks.

The BIS’s Role in World War II

During World War II, the Bank for International Settlements, led by Roger Auboin, continued to operate, provoking various controversies, for example, over the placement of gold stolen by Germany.

It is located in Basel, Switzerland, and is referred to as the central bank « the » central banks.



The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) played an important role during World War II. The bridge of American interests in Europe served as the link between Anglo-American and German companies. It was sort of an offshore area where you could find cosmopolitan capital against political initiatives, wars, sanctions, etc.

This bank was established as a public business entity. Its immunity from government interference and, for example, taxation was guaranteed by the international agreement signed at The Hague in 1930. Bankers of the Federal Reserve in New York, close to the Morgan, Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, and German financiers such as Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economy of the Government of Hjalmar Schacht itler), Walther Funk (who replaced Hjalmar Schacht as President of Reichsbank), and Emil Puhl, all played an important role in the Bank’s founding. The founders included central banks in Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and a few private banks.

The Federal Bank of New York has done its best, but has not been one of the founding institutions of the BIS. The United States was represented by the private bank First National Bank of New York, J.P. Morgan and Company, the First National Bank of Chicago, which was all part of the Morgan empire. Japan was also represented by private banks. In 1931-1932, 19 European central banks joined the Bank for International Settlements. Gates W. McGarrah, banker of the Rockefeller clan, was the first Chairman of the BIS Board of Directors. It was replaced by Leon Fraser, who represented the Morgan clan. During the war, the bank was presided over by an American citizen, Thomas H. McKittrick.

Much has been written about the activities of the BIS in the interests of the Third Reich. The Bank was involved in transactions with various countries, including those with which Germany was at war.

Since Pearl Harbor, the Bank for International Settlements has been the correspondent of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. She was under Nazi control during the war, even though American Thomas Huntington McKittrick was the president. Soldiers died on the battlefield while the BIS leadership met in Basel with bankers from Germany, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain and the United States.

In this peaceful haven of the Swiss offshore area, representatives of the warring parties were quietly working in a climate of mutual understanding.

It is in Switzerland that Germany has secured gold seized from all corners of Europe. In March 1938, when Hitler took over Vienna, some of the Austrian gold was transferred to the BIS’s safe deposit boxes. The same was done with the Czech National Bank gold ($48 million). When the war broke out, gold came to the Bank for International Settlements. Germany recovered it from concentration camps and looting of occupied countries (including all that belonged to civilians: jewelry, gold teeth, cigarette cases, various utensils, etc.). It’s what we called the Nazi gold. It was melted into ingots for storage at the Bank for International Settlements, in Switzerland or outside Europe.

In his book Trading With The Enemy: An Exposure of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, Charles Higham writes that during the war the Nazis transferred 378 million dollars into the accounts of the Bank for International Settlements.

A few words about Czech gold.

Some information surfaced after the Bank of England archives opened in 2012. In March 1939, Germany took over Prague. The Nazis demanded 48 million dollars from the national gold reserves. They were told that this amount had already been transferred to the Bank for International Settlements. Subsequently, it was known that this gold had been transferred from Basel to the Bank of England’s safe deposit boxes. On the Berlin order, gold was transferred to the Reichsbank account to the BIS. Second, the Bank of England was involved in transactions made on orders issued by Reichsbank to the Bank for International Settlements. These orders were forwarded to London. So there was collusion between the German Reichsbank, the Bank for International Settlements and the Bank of England.

In 1939, a scandal erupted in Britain when it was known that the Bank of England was carrying out transactions involving Czech gold on the orders of Berlin and Basel, not the Czech government. For example, in June 1939, three months before the start of the war between Great Britain and Germany, the Bank of England helped the Germans to transfer the gold equivalent of £440,000 into their account, and to move some of the gold to New York (Germany thus ensured the neutrality of the United States in the event of a German intervention in Poland).

These illegal transactions on Czech gold were carried out with the tacit agreement of the Government of Great Britain, which knew perfectly what was going on. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir John Simon and other senior officials have done everything they can to conceal the truth, including lying in shame (claiming that the gold had been returned to its rightful owner or had never been transferred to Reichsbank). The Bank of England documents recently released reveal the facts and show that government officials have lied, in order to cover themselves and to cover the activities of the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements. The coordination of these joint criminal activities was a child’s play when Montagu Norman, Director of the Bank of England, was also chairing the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements. He never hid his sympathy for the fascists.

The Bretton Woods Conference,

The official United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference brought together the 730 delegates from the 44 allied countries at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA, to regulate international monetary and financial life after World War II. The conference was held from 1 to 22 July 1944, and the Bank for International Settlements was suddenly in the spotlight. It was reported that it had collaborated with fascist Germany. Without going into detail, I will simply say that after a lot of uncertainty (some U.S. delegates opposed the motion), delegates agreed to close the BIS. This decision of the International Conference was never implemented. All information likely to discredit the activities of the BIS during the war has been classified. Today, it helps to forge the history of the Second World War.


The BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the eight families that control the central banks of almost all Western nations and developing countries. The BIS’s first president was the banker of Rockefeller Gates McGarrah, an official of Chase Manhattan Bank and the Federal Reserve. McGarrah was the grandfather of the former CIA director Richard Helms. The Rockefeller, like the Morgan, had a very close relationship with London. David Icke writes in « The Children of the » Matrix, that the Rockefeller and the Morgan were just « of Rothschild ».

The BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of Switzerland, the Bank of Holland, the Federal Bank of Germany and the Bank of France.

Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his epic book « Tragedy and Hope » that the BIS was part of a plan to « create a global system of financial control in private hands and able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… a control exercised in feudal manner by the central banks of the world acting together through secret agreements. » The US government had a historical mistrust of the BIS, and pushed unsuccessfully for it to be abandoned in 1945 at the Bretton Woods conference. On the contrary, the power of the eight families was exacerbated with the creation by the Bretton Woods conference of the IMF and the World Bank. The US Federal Bank took part in the BIS only in September 1994.

The BIS holds at least 10% of the reserve funds of at least 80 central banks in the world, the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as a financial agent for international agreements, collects information on the global economy and serves as a lender or a last resort to prevent a general global financial collapse. The BIS promotes an agenda of capitalist monopolistic fascism. It gave a welding loan to Hungary in the 1990s to ensure the privatization of the economy of Hungary. It served as Adolf Hitler’s funding channel for the eight families, led by Henry Schroeder of the Warburgs and the Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam.

It is no coincidence that the BIS has its headquarters in Switzerland, in Basel, the preferred financial cache for the richness of the global aristocracy and headquarters of the Freemasons P2 Italian Alpina and Nazi International. Other institutions controlled by the eight families include the World Economic Forum (Davos NdT), the International Monetary Conference and the World Trade Organization (WTO).



The International Financial Brotherhood

In a monumental “History of the World in » Times, of over 1,300 pages, entitled “Tragedy and » Hope,” published in 1966 – Carroll Quigley, Professor at Georgetown University, analyzes the way and means by which “the international financial fraternity » proposed from 1914 “no more, no less than to create a global system of control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of every country and the whole global economy ».

The testimony of Carroll Quigley, who was Professor of US President Bill Clinton at Georgetown University and thus became his mentor, is all the more important, as Quigley says he is part of the power circles that control the world’s finances: “I know the operations of this network, because I studied it for 20 years and it was even allowed for two years, in the early ’60s, to study its documents and secret recordings. I agree with most of his goals, and throughout my life I have been a close friend of this group and its instruments of action. »

Below are some of his statements: “The power of financial capitalism will have a transcendental role, which is no more or less than the creation of a system of global financial control over private property, capable of dominating the political system of each country and the economy of the world, as one » element.

The great families of American and European bankers, like Rothschild, Morgan, Warburg, also play an important role in the plan of the New World Order. Carroll Quigley says they created “a single global financial system that manipulates so much capital flows so that they are able to influence, or even control, governments on the one hand, and industries on the other. »

How the elite rule the world

document: Karen Hudes: How elite rule the world

Karen Hudes, an employee of the World Bank, reveals how elite rule the world – See more at:

The Bank for International Settlements is an organization that was founded by the world elite, works for the benefit of the world elite, and is destined to be one of the cornerstones of the emerging global economic system.

This system didn’t just happen by accident. In fact, the elite of the world has been developing this system for a very long time. In a previous article entitled « Who Runs the World? Proof that a strong core of rich elitists pulls the strings », I included a quote from Georgetown University, professor of history Carroll Quigley from a book he wrote back in 1966, in which he discussed the great projects the elite had for the Bank for International Settlements …

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a global system of financial control in private hands that could dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

This system was to be controlled in feudal fashion by the world’s central banks acting together, through secret agreements obtained at frequent private meetings and conferences. The top of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were private companies themselves.

And that’s exactly what we have today.

We have a system of neo-neo « — » feudalism in which each of us and our national governments are bound by debt. This system is run by central banks and the Bank for International Settlements, and it systematically transfers the wealth of the world from our hands to the world elite.

But most people have no idea what this is all about, because the global elite also controls what we see, hear and think. Today, there are only six giant media companies that control more than 90 percent of the news and entertainment that you watch on your television in the United States.

source: no longer exists on actuwiki.

Bankers’ credit rating agencies:

Step three:

In 1931, Moody’s was already leading Greece into chaos

document: source:

It was the economist Jean-Marc Daniel, who most recently came to recall this little-known historical episode.

In 1909, John Moody, a repurposed financial journalist, created the rating stricto sensu: its company measures risks by using a scorecard to summarize the risks taken by the creditor. S&P follows in 1916 and Fitch in 1924. State ratings start in 1918…

In the early 1930s, the US Treasury blamed rating agencies for not seeing the chain of bank failures and the fall of 1929 stock market crisis come, and they are now beginning to expand their scope of competence to state debt. During the Great Depression, many European countries were unable to meet their debt: Germany, Greece, Hungary, Romania. But rating agencies have essentially fallen victim to falling commodity prices in Latin American countries. The agencies are lowering the rating of Brazil and Bolivia, which will be lacking in January 1931.

In Washington, the agencies were then blamed « to focus on the American zone and ignore Europe » Jean-Marc Daniel wrote. With their fingers on the sewing of the pants, the agencies are looking at the state of the old continent. Moody’s « the sick man of » Europe. It is Greece that will have « the sad privilege of having been, in Europe in the 1930s, the regular target of rating agencies, then in their « » adolescence.

A liberal left-leaning label, Prime Minister Venizelos, a Cretan lawyer considered the founder of modern Greece. Accused by the monarchist opposition of ruining the state, he said he distinguished « the good debt which prepares the future from the bad debt which serves to pay » civil servants.

Not convincing enough for Moody’s who is degrading Greece. Interest rates are going up. It’s climbing. Exports of agricultural products, the main sources of income, are declining. The other big source of capital, migrant Greeks’ remittances, dried up. Finally, prices are soaring in Greece. Venizelos tries, at first, to remain optimistic. On April 25, 1931, it removed the freedom of exchange and imposed a forced course of the drachma. On 1 March 1932, it stopped repayment of loans from Great Britain, France and Italy. Opposition critics are increasingly vocal. In order to save his majority in the House in upcoming legislation, Venizelos decided to reinstate the proportional system, which he criticized in 1928 for leading the country to anarchy. It also goes as far as to limit press freedom to moderate attacks. Accused of dictatorial tendencies, his party is defeated. The return to power of the monarchists began in 1935 before the coup of General Plastiras. After a period of disarray, the King will appoint General Metaxas Minister of War. Drawing on the authoritarian forms of the Italian fascist regime in Mussolini, it prohibits political parties. It arrests opponents: nearly 15,000 Greeks were arrested and tortured during the five years of the Metaxás dictatorship. He declared strikes illegal and set in motion censorship

Noting the extent of the political damage, Moody’s will express its regret that it will no longer take note of the state’s public debts

After the war, the agencies’ affairs resume, even if they stop rating the states, which are no longer financed in the markets. The controversy begins again in 1968, when the mayor of New York, furious about his city being degraded, fustige S&P and questions the weakness of his human resources. Agencies respond by changing business models: they adopt the one of “borrower-pays” – the borrower now pays the agency to assess it – in order to refine their analyzes.

Since March 2010, agencies can rate everything in the European Union

The European Commission in March 2010 has again allowed these agencies that were merely rating companies,…to rate absolutely ALL.

But by 1975, the government bond market was on its way back. Agencies use their notebooks to assess states, to elicit criticism. For example, they gave South American countries very good marks in the early 1980s, before they went into bankruptcy. Paradoxically, although all of these « Sister Anne » of finance have seen nothing coming from the 2008 crisis, multiplying scandals, worsening the situation of states that have been trampled on, the reference to notes in financial legislation has never been more important.

« When Moody’s degraded Greece in 1930, a harsh austerity policy was implemented and led, of course, to a military dictatorship, to the point that Moodys apologized and promised to no longer rate » sovereign «. Since then, we’ve had peace! except that the european commission in march 2010 allowed again those agencies that were merely rating companies, that…to note ALL, provided: sovereign debt. These agencies are paid on demand by banks or foreign pension funds interested in 2-digit yields. Since then, PSA has gone out of its way to relocate. Since then, Greece’s interest rates have risen to 18% or even 25% at some points, which has had the « worth » increasing the original debt by 4!!! » writes Jocelyne Rivoallan in comment to an article by Aliocha blogger entitled: AAA «: we’re willing to be outraged, but we didn’t understand everything»

Hidden inflation.

The second process that high finance uses to maximize profits and govern the world.


According to the economic theory taught to students, inflation is a disease that must be eliminated because it erodes and reduces savings.

For a saver, a rich man, inflation is absolutely forbidden. For a consumer, inflation is an aid that facilitates repayment of credits. For an investor, inflation with high interest rates is a deterrent, and he prefers to put his money elsewhere rather than investing. Consequence: the production tool after a few years of inflation has become obsolete, outdated, it is no longer productive and is likely to be overwhelmed by producers who have invested in a less inflationary environment.

But this theory is purely academic, even lifeless, because for the financial oligarchy, inflation is a weapon, a means to enrich yourself. The economic process that leads quickly to wealth is relatively straightforward when central banks are the private property of a financial oligarchy:

Step one: create material wealth and industrial production goods. The financial condition is based on the increase in credits and the creation of currency.

Stimulation of economic activity becomes strong up to a level where inflation can go amok and ruin confidence in the currency. No one wants and can pay such high prices anymore, and the use of credit becomes unrealistic: Why borrow to repay and pay prices that no longer have any economic or moral justification.

Step two: central banks need only block the currency at home and block the refinancing of central banks to cause a financial and economic crisis, the outcome of which is expected to be a price collapse.

It is the central bank that decides to spread the rumor in the public that there is no confidence in the monetary system. The first measure in principle is a significant increase in interest rates. Material goods lose their values because economic agents who no longer have money are obliged to sell them at a very low price in order to obtain a payment with the little currency that remains in circulation since credit is no longer possible.

Step three: when prices are low, private managers of central banks can send their teams to buy back all material, real, and movable assets and then sell them or rent them at significantly higher prices, especially when the crisis is over and central banks are pumping liquidity back into the economic circuit.

The populations and businesses that thought they were getting richer actually worked at a loss to dramatically increase the bankers who owned central banks.

The ideal is to develop a period of high growth without inflation, as inflation weakens savings. Then it’s even easier to create a new economic and financial crisis.


The Federal Reserve System is adding an additional inflationary layer to this scabbing bank scaffolding. For example, if the Central Bank holds up $100 of gold reserves in its coffers and requests a reserve rate of 10%, it can print up to $1,000 of new banknotes on deposit, which become the reserves of commercial banks. Commercial banks receive this $1,000, but, to the extent that they are required to maintain a reserve rate of 10%, they are able to multiply that $1,000 into $10,000 in the form of loans based on the fractional reserve system. So it creates an inverted pyramid, or a $100 pyramid of gold value, or of real currency, at the bottom of that pyramid, turns into $10,000 of fiat currency that’s inflated at the top. The fact that these $10,000 of new currency flows through the economy drives up prices, thereby lowering the purchasing power of ordinary citizens.


Inflation: the political, economic, social facts of history


George Washington permitted the birth of the bank by the signing of a law on April 25, 1791 for a period of 20 years. In the first five years of the operation, the US government borrowed 8.2 million dollars and prices rose by 72%.

“I wish it could have been possible to have a single amendment to our Constitution which would have given the federal government its power to borrow.” Thomas Jefferson, 1798


The Federal Reserve claims to manage our currency, but instead it makes it lose value day after day. This has led to a succession of increasingly severe economic cycles while lowering our standard of living.

Lew Rockwell: « This is no different than a burglar who walks into your house to steal your money from you. The Federal Reserve is doing it. It belittles the value of your economies, deprives you of your economic security, and should be seen as an institution perpetrating such acts, rather than as supposedly favorable. »


Inflation in the United States since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Bank was created by Paul Warburg, JP Morgan, Rockefeller and their friends: 2950%

Between 1914 and 1919, the EDF increased the money supply by almost 100%, thereby favoring loans to businesses and individuals. By 1920, these loans were « recalled », which led small banks to borrow in droves. Once again, the scenario repeated itself: Crisis, chain failures.. In total, more than 5,400 banks outside the Federal Reserve System were wiped out.

In 1921, congressman Charles August Lindbergh wrote: « Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientific one, worked out as we is a mathematical equation.


Crisis, driving capitalism, by André Orléan

World 29.03.10 14:44 · Updated 29.03.10 | 14:44

1970 It is the coming to power of the liberal governments of Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom (May 1979) and Ronald Reagan in the United States (January 1981) that marks the beginning of this new phase. But, from the point of view of economic regulation, the origin of this new capitalism is to be found in the revolutionary transformation of monetary policy. Now inflation is the top target.

To fight it, Paul Volcker, who headed the US Federal Reserve in 1979, carried an astonishing increase in the short-term interest rate, to 20% in June

1981. This policy brings about a complete and definitive shift in the balance of power between debtors and creditors in favor of debtors. Now, financial-asset holders are no longer likely to be eroded by inflation. They have a field. It is the beginning of a 25-year period that has the central characteristic of placing market finance at the center of regulation, far beyond the technical question of financing. Simply put, it is financial markets that now control property rights, something we had never experienced before.

note: since the 2000s and the establishment of the euro currency zone, it has been recognized that the euro has allowed to mask price inflation in Europe, and since 2008, the zeal and rallying of speculators to attack the euro and damage it, or even to wipe out the European Union, can be seen as the classic business of financial leaders seeking to regain this increase wealth by forcing the european people to repay the deficits that these financiers have created or favored. They rigged Greece’s public accounts to enter the eurozone and then serve as a Trojan horse in the development of the financial crisis and speculator attacks against the euro, the European Union, social protection and the standard of living of Europeans in order to plunder Europe, this time in a financial war that is the economy, at least for now, of a conventional military war —

The latter remains possible in the case of a civil war between those who fight this financial dictatorship, which dare not say its name, and mercenaries paid at gold prices to kill and plunder the criminal command of the world’s financial masters, knowing that a majority of citizens will once again prefer to flee in ignorance and cowardice to remain passive or collaborate again with this new dictatorship.

Hidden inflation also corresponds to the hidden dilution of the currency.

A classic example from this testimony:

I was told by a bistro owner that in 1978, minimum wage was 2,700 francs a month, and half a beer was 2,70 Francs. That is to say, with a minimum wage, you could buy 1,000 demos of pressure beer.

Whereas today, in 2013, SMIC is about 1130 Euros net and half of beer pressure is 2.50 Euros. That is to say, with a minimum today, you can only pay about 450 demis!

To have the same standard of living today as in 1978, a net monthly minimum wage of 2,500 Euros is required.

And the cafe owner said, “Besides, at the time, he was richer than today!

Maurice ALLAIS: to eliminate hidden inflation, indexing must be made mandatory.

The specificity of Maurice Allais’s analysis is that it advocated mandatory « indexing » all » commitments over one year on a « » price index.

Maurice Allais wanted an extremely general indexing of both loans and loans, wage contracts and other income such as farms, rents, life annuities, etc. The suggested benchmark was the deflator of gross national product, the important being that the benchmark is the same for all contracts and reflects a general price level[3].

The reasons for indexing according to Maurice Allais:

Maurice Allais’ argument is based on both ethical and economic efficiency considerations.

For Maurice Allais, the market economy is a prerequisite for economic efficiency, but it « only be genuinely acceptable if it complies with a minimum of » ethical principles (For indexing p. 82). Maurice Allais explained at length (in Capital Tax and Monetary Reform in Chapters VI and VII) the inequity of inflation, the major effect of which is to allow an income distribution that would be completely impossible in a situation of price stability.

The result of indexing is equivalent to that of a stable value currency, « while eliminating the perverse effects of such stability as to a possible currency hoarding, since the cash would not be indexed » (For indexing p. 46). It would be fundamentally a reduction in uncertainty about the future and thus generate efficiency in the functioning of the market economy. It would in particular increase the volume of savings and improve the quality of investments. Finally, it would reduce the major causes of inflation that are the expected earnings of inflation by the winners.

His demonstration is particularly strong about the refusal to index claims. He wrote: « Refusal to have mandatory real-value indexation of loans and debts is tantamount to admitting a continuous transfer of wealth at the expense of savers and to the benefit of borrowers. This is a recognition that the functioning of the economy must be based on a permanent fraud of which the lenders are the victims, and a desire to maintain it would be completely immoral and ethically unacceptable.

In other words, the denial of indexing can have no meaning other than the institutionalization of the flight.

If, on the other hand, there is deflation, the situation is reversed, and it is debtors who are robbed and creditors who are unduly privileged. The situation remains just as unfair (For indexing, p.64).


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