Life Networks management centers
Enrich ourselves with our differences in the practice of solidarity.
Enrich ourselves with our differences in the practice of solidarity.
We have just presented the methods and principles that drive the production and distribution of wealth by life project teams and other political institutions. The Total Quality Approach applies subsidiarity and the COQ (Cost of Obtaining Quality) specifies the adaptation to the local particularities of the optimal solution. Through the assessment of the investment financing needs, it also makes it possible to specify the needs in full currency. The development of Life Networks involves the coordination, planning and control of the achievements of life project teams. These steps are validated by the local assemblies of political institutions, by the political action of the citizens of the Networks of Life.
The activity of the Life Networks management centers.
They intervene at each stage of the activity of the life project teams to prepare the decision of the local political assembly.
When creating a life project team, the project founders contact their management center to finalize their case according to the presentation rules requested by the Assembly of Political Action.
At the end of the problem-solving process, the life project teams will validate their COQ and COS before the assembly of the political action of their local political institution, that is to say their free city with its national guard, its bank that manages the full currency, etc. This political validation, as we have shown, has the consequence of the inclusion of these needs in financing and in material and intangible investments in the Plan established by the Confederation of Life Networks.
Similarly, when the objectives of a team of life projects are achieved, this team with its management center returns to the assembly of the political action of its institution to ask for a discharge. Then this wealth production and this development of solidarity are recorded in the various balance sheets, including that of the bank that manages the full currency used in this human activity.
Here we are at the level of the scope of the political decision taken in a direct participatory local democracy to develop human activity on these three levels: the realization of works that raise the standard of living and are passed on to future generations, political action.
It is the management centers that will prepare the decisions of the political action to control and manage the activity of the Life Networks.
The operation of the management centers.
Once again let us begin by showing what is no longer permissible in the functioning of the liberal capitalist system and the functioning of the representative democratic political system it supports. In the Networks of Life, here too, it is the opposite, the opposite, the very opposite that it is to be used.
Practices no longer accepted in management centers
Let us continue with the French case, two examples of this public and economic management that we have already criticized.
Case 1: in the dioxin pollution scandal in Savoy in the 1990s,
The Gilly-sur-Isère incinerator had been administratively closed in October 2001 because its emissions exceeded current standards, up to 750 times for dioxin. The trials were concluded without any conviction either of the elected local managers of the incinerator or of public officials and the prefecture. This case shows that a prefect and his services who have the results of pollution analyzes have the right not to make them public on the ground that the preservation of public order is a priority. The disclosure of the figures on pollution and the calamitous management of this incinerator are indeed enough to agitate the citizens and expose the state to colossal compensation for the damage suffered by thousands of citizens over many years. Under the principle of separation of powers, judges cannot interfere in the management of government. The prefect did his job: he closed the plant, certainly he should have done it earlier…
As we have pointed out, this principle of separation of powers does not exist in the functioning of the Networks of Life, in a direct local participatory democracy. The total quality approach, the use of subsidiarity to find the optimal solution to a problem work through group work and participatory management. There is nothing to hide at the level of the leaders to support the exercise of their power, we are no longer in a system of power whose mission is to subject the populations to the ruling minority.
Case 2 : management of the COVID-19 crisis in France
will appear, if not already done, in school cases to show how to arrive at a health and political scandal.
After years of downsizing in the health sector as in other public services under the pressure of the European Commission responsible for applying the dogmas of the Anglo-Saxon neoliberal economy, medical means are absent or very insufficient when after two to three months of spreading the virus not detected as new coronavirus, the pandemic develops. In the process, personal quarrels between infectious experts and virologists about the care to be given to the sick and reveals the policy of the government to impose centralism of decisions and trial and error, errors and contradictions in the measures to be followed. The bureaucracy is showing its flair in the ordering of masks, in the testing, in the authorization to test and by refusing first the ability to test at veterinary laboratories as well as serological tests, self-tests and finally accepting them a year later.
The management solution is indicated: wait for vaccines to arrive and vaccinate everyone to achieve general population immunity and stop the pandemic. Drugs are banned while therapeutic trials with others are funded and then discontinued. The French State, faced with this tragic situation, cannot do more. Massive screening and mandatory mask in Ehpad? The Council of State says no. The high court rejected the request of several trade unions that requested more systematic health measures in Ehpad because of the coronavirus.
By Nicolas Berrod April 16, 2020 at 2:59 p.m.
« The state is already doing a lot and would not be able to do more ». This is in summary the decision of the Council of State concerning Ehpads made public this Thursday. The High Administrative Court dismissed the appeal filed by several trade unions. They called on the government to strengthen health measures in these residences where at least 6524 people have died from Covid-19.
Fear of the tragic events in EHPAD is quickly added to ignorance. Vaccination as planned causes the development of variants with such waves and exhaustion of medical personnel. The citizens understand that the measures of confinement and restriction of public freedoms are only intended to spare hospitals in need of beds and personnel to treat the sick. By the summer of 2021 and the imposition of the health pass, many citizens understand that vaccination does not stop the spread of the virus. The only benefit that leaders see is that the vaccine greatly reduces the risk of serious infection and heavy, long-term hospital care. The health pass corresponds to an audience that wants to maintain its social lifestyle or is forced to vaccinate itself to keep its work. Studies by dissident scientists are multiplying, demonstrating the opposite of official discourse.
Fear combined with ignorance is the breeding ground for hatred, a lethal weapon for dividing a population and above all for allowing the government to impose autocratic measures. As in all crises organized by neo-liberal capitalist leaders, the perpetrators of the mistakes and the culprits of the measures that provoked willfully or not, this crisis, these politicians and financiers turn the situation around and create scapegoats, social groups hostile to these autocratic measures. The group of non-vaccinees or vaccinees who refuse the medical pass thus becomes the center of attention and reproach, even hatred, of the group of conformists subject to the orders of the governors.
Forgotten the causes, the unhealthy downsizing policies to privatize public services, to undermine the Social Security inherited from the National Council of Resistance and Liberation after 1945. Forgotten the research of the laboratory that in 2012 in the USA proved that a coronavirus, that a virus can now pass from animal to human.
The autocratic control of the peoples which practically definitively seals the establishment of the world government of the Anglo-Saxon financial oligarchy and which was demanded at the beginning of the 2010s, notably by JP Morgan in Europe, is finally put in place and justified by these new dissidents, those who refuse a simple medical pass which does not serve to stop the spread of the virus but to avoid the serious forms which clutter hospitals and disturb the management, notably of cancers. Cancers that should have been treated in a preventive manner as early as the 1960s if some doctors who had found the treatments to eliminate them had not been eliminated first by the judicial decisions required by the Council of the Order of Doctors created after 1940 under Vichy and never purified or transformed since.
On the economic front, the urgent need for the government is to safeguard the growth rate that has recovered since the end of the confinement. The sanitary pass, a typically bureaucratic and police measure, aims to stop thinking about how to fight against this virus and even less about how to prevent it by developing our level of natural immunity with the indicated vitamins and minerals. All at work or at school except the unvaccinated who do not have their health pass and for whom President Macron declares that he wants to rot their social life…
Yet there were empirical solutions that saved people, but they were not picked up and spread on the pretext that vaccination would make them useless.
The widespread practice of the Total Quality approach in the health field would have taken this discovery into account, for example. Prof. Wenzhong Liu and Dr. Hualan Li, two researchers from Sichuan University in China, have indeed highlighted the fact that the Coronavirus is not a virus that attacks the respiratory system as previously thought, but the blood system.
At the same time, in Alsace, in Masevaux, a geriatrician doctor in a retirement home used his logic against the pensioners affected by Covid. When a patient had a symptom of Covid, he would prescribe anticoagulant therapy if he did not already have one, to prevent thrombosis, that is, the formation of a clot blocking a blood vessel. Using oxygen fans only damaged the lungs and accelerated death. These successes were rejected by the scientific experts as they were not significant and not mentioned in the academic protocols. Clearly, there has been no practice of bottom-up subsidiarity among doctors and their leaders. It is about locking up, excluding, and decaying the social life of the unvaccinated, with police controls and criminal sanctions designed to frighten people and make them more submissive.
The same applies to the use of figures and statistics, including the number of deaths caused by the virus.
Doctors admit that, among the official death figures, at least two-thirds are not related to the virus, but as no one can prove since there has been no autopsy… Likewise, the silence, the censorship of the results obtained by India by rapidly using ivermectin to prevent the serious consequences of this virus.
In a Total Quality approach to an unknown malfunction, the reflex is to observe and record everything in a dashboard. Then an analysis with the problem-solving tools becomes possible and the actions become more precise through a cause-effect diagram. No, we have been given alarmist predictions following studies and computer simulations carried out in study firms followed by health measures dictated by McKinsey to the French Government via the European Commission in Brussels, especially for the vaccination of the population. In short, it is neo-liberal dogmatism to impose the interests of Anglo-Saxon multinationals with the complicity of politicians and health professionals paid by them.
Let us stop here with these examples of bad management by the French governments, there are many others! What they all have in common is the defense of the power of the rulers through political manipulation, lies, secrecy over compromising figures, infantilizing communications for citizens, contempt, violence by the rich.
By doing so, these wayward and incompetent leaders in the leadership of a nation other than by following the dogmas and directives of their Anglo-Saxon sponsors, these leaders place the country in a situation of latent civil war ready to explode at any moment. Their only help lies in the profound level of ignorance of the citizens on how to leave, abandon their system of liberal capitalist economic power, and in their censorship and isolation of dissidents who know how to live without them in a completely different civilizational choice.
Expected best practices from management centers
The centers of management of wealth production networks do exactly the opposite, the opposite of these current governmental practices dictated by the leaders of the neo-liberal system. In systems of power, states use more or less centralized administrations with a corps of civil servants. This is not the case in Life Networks.
Raising skills through versatility and expertise.
We have already seen this for the National Guard: all citizens of a free city are members by right. This means that each member of a Network of Life will work during one or more periods in at least one management center. As we shall see, he will find an opportunity to learn and to raise his skills as well as the mastery of the functioning of the Life Networks to reach higher levels of responsibility.
In the chapter on Work in Life Networks, we present how this increase in skills is developed.
The management centers are therefore not an administration serving a centralized system of power, hierarchized within the framework of a political system in a representative democracy or worse, in tyranny exercised by the ruling minority which usurped the functioning of the Power and the delegation of the mission of Authority belonging to each citizen.
The Life Networks management centers are at the heart of the life of the project teams to follow them from the start of the project to the achievement of its objectives. This practice, this history will accumulate knowledge, experiences, social and cultural ties, the establishment of synergies that will continue after the end of the life project.
The material and intangible wealth produced will be used for new life projects, the common goods obtained will be used by others than the members of this life project team.
We will therefore clarify what is at stake in the networks of life in each of these two moments of human activity: first during the achievement of the project team objectives and then after the life project team has completed.
The project team achieves its objectives with the support of the management center.
Management Center Objectives:
They are responsible for the monitoring mission at the Directorate level: define objectives, animate teams, monitor, represent the organization.
Throughout our presentation of the Political and Economic Institutions of Life Networks, we mentioned the role of the management centers. Each political institution, before taking decisions in its political assemblies and exercising political action, the third level of human activity (or the first, whatever), uses the data and documents managed by its control and management center. The purpose of this check is to verify that the decision is ready for political validation and to obtain a vote by unanimity or, as the case may be, by the required majority.
The Objectives of the Management Centers:
- Gather data from life project teams, free cities, National Guard, Army, Confederation Bank and check that they are ready to support a debate during political action in the political institution that has the competence to decide on an issue or the implementation of a solution to a problem.
- On the basis of these analyzes of the overall data, the management center has the power to make proposals to the political institution to improve its decision, especially at the level of solidarity, i.e. sharing the decision taken by this local political institution with other local institutions located in the Confederation. In this context, it works in relation with the Confederation and the Plan.
- Check the level of skills used to achieve the objectives and check the skill elevation achieved at the end of a life project.
- Check the calculation of the cost of obtaining Solidarity in a life project team and make it an annual report for the political institution to which these life project teams are attached.
The field of activity:
concerns all three levels of human activity. For example, the management center which prepares a decision for the activity indispensable to human life, through its power of proposals, may immediately envisage that this decision be transposed, supplemented, improved for the work in terms of survival and/or realization of the works. In this case it is addressed to the experts of the Confederation and the Plan who will examine these proposals.
is local and as for political institutions, the management centers are attached to a free city or directly to the Confederation of Networks of Life. Management centers are not a level of centralization of power, for example, attached to Confederation. We have seen that the Confederation has specific powers of attribution and its own way of managing its activities.
are provided by political and economic institutions and vary according to the level of activity of life project teams working for one or more of these institutions. This is particularly the case for human resources attached to life project teams.
The function of the management center is not independent of the activity of the life project teams or of the institutions of the Life Networks. Management centers are not an administration as in a hierarchical and centralized system of power.
The power of control exercised by the management centers.
This is the main responsibility of this economic institution of Life Networks.
Decisions are collegial.
Monitoring of these activities in the Total Quality process takes place step by step and decisions are made collegially by team members. It is a priori control. The management centers will therefore not call this a priori control into question or carry out a posteriori control capable of calling into question the control exercised by the project teams. Clearly, the COQ presented by a project team is not called into question, nor is its financing guaranteed by the use of full currency (Positive Money).
The management center simply takes over to continue this work and ensure that the realization of the COQ is carried out for the best and it is this demonstration that will be presented to the assembly of the political action of the political institution which has the competence of attribution to take this decision to realize the COQ with the means at its disposal or by seeking these means from other Life Networks, if not from the Confederation.
In order to prepare the political action meeting of the political institution to which the life project teams are attached, the various management centers of these project teams which have finished their work and are asking for leave or who request a decision from the political action meeting to modify the objectives or resources allocated to a project team, gather to prepare their joint report.
Improved solidarity and synergies.
This is the right time to consider improving the cost of obtaining solidarity and establishing new synergies. It is also the time to prepare the rest of the activity and from this wealth production, define new objectives and new projects. The deliberations of the Assembly on the political action of this political institution will be all the more structured and enlightened.
In systems of authority, the hierarchical organization and the principle of division of labor to better control it mean that the work of a team is redeployed to a higher hierarchical level which brings its competencies and then the latter redeploys it to its higher hierarchical level if necessary. In some cases, the departure team does not even know what its work is for if a commercial or military secret surrounds this activity.
This is not the case at all in the Life Networks project teams.
The composition of the members of the management centers.
The project team after presenting its ROOC is not discarded, dispossessed of its work but it will strengthen itself with experts who will bring it the necessary skills, with political action delegates appointed to participate in this category of political decisions. These ad hoc members who strengthen the project team will accompany them to the final decision.
A spokesperson of the group or a delegation may meet the committee appointed by the General Assembly of Political Action. The permanent members of the project team are themselves members of the local assembly of political action as they are members of the National Guard and can act as such if necessary for the success of their life project. There is therefore in principle no waste of time due to administrative procedures or hierarchical decision-making.
The division of labor in the life project is therefore between permanent and ad hoc members of the project team. At some point, everyone will have the responsibility of the management center and, in the end, all will be engaged in tasks that fall within a management center.
They will no longer be just a project team but will exercise the functions of a management center to prepare the decision of the political action with the ad hoc members who come to help them to finalize the realization of the Life project. They will, of course, participate in the decision taken by the Assembly or its delegation on political action.
Ensuring the mission of a management center is therefore essentially a competence that adds to the others and reinforces the versatility of the members of the Life Networks. This skill can also be strengthened to become an expertise.
Decision-making power is enhanced by management centers
Decision-making in Quality Circles during the 1980s in France.
In the system of hierarchical power of the capitalist system and the decisions taken by the shareholders, the Quality Circles of the 1980s in France prepared the decisions of the Management, they were able to co-sign the requests for investments and training at the level of their establishment, but the decision on whether or not to continue this local participatory management was indeed taken by the shareholders in the early 1990s who stopped this Total Quality movement in France and elsewhere when they realized that the “workers” had de facto power in the companies and that they could then take real, legal, political power. But the “workers” and the members of the Quality Circles did not realize these political issues as they were busy successfully automating and computerizing their companies.
More precisely, we can illustrate our comments with the experience we carried out between 1985 and 1990 in this chemical plant along the Rhine to automate the 5 production sites with the Total Quality approach in order to accompany the new technologies with a review of the organization and management of this production facility.
The consultancy firm’s help in steering the modernization of the site was of course essential. The small group of consultants consisted of former managers who had automated their own production units. Their leader had been the first in Eastern France to have successfully led the automation of his entire production unit whose manufacturing process was similar to that of a plant in fine organic chemistry: the Kronenbourg plant in Obernai. Others had automated the assembly line of the Peugeot 205 in Mulhouse with programmable controllers and handling robots.
This team of consultants shared its experience and together we practiced without knowing how to name it at that time, subsidiarity to obtain the optimal solution no longer in the field of beer brewery or automobile construction but in chemistry then through our Total Quality Approach we adapted this optimal solution to our local particularities.
This approach has been extended to administrative and logistical functions with the computerization of all departments of the institution. The Personnel Department was the first in Eastern France to use a Transpac link to feed its Human Resources Management software package on a microcomputer with data from the payroll software located at headquarters in Paris.
The role of experts in the management centers.
The ad hoc members who come to reinforce the project team are therefore experts who share their experiences within a life project team. The expertise lies in the technologies and machines, the equipment used, but also in raising the level of skills of the permanent members of the project team.
We presented the COQ (cost of obtaining quality) but also the COS (cost of obtaining solidarity). The experts will also lead their participation in the life project by developing its COS. They are the ones who will bring solidarity, that is to say the free sharing of the optimal solution, free because they are paid in full currency or in social rights directly in the budget of the project team and they are the status of partners in the project.
They are not employees of a service or consultancy firm which operates an economy based solely on private ownership of the means of production. Teams of life projects like the other institutions of the Life Networks, we repeat, use the complementarity between the three forms of private, common, collective property according to the relevance of each of them.
Political decision-making is collegial at the assembly of the political action of the local institution.
The management of this decision-making is defined by the local assembly of the political institution to which the life projects team is attached.
The objectives, resources used shall be budgeted and the means of financing: Social rights to use common property and full currency for remuneration were validated during the vote of the local assembly of political action to accept a life project and inscribe it in the Plan managed by the Confederation.
The accounting and financial monitoring of the realization of the life project is carried out by a permanent member of the team who, if necessary, is assisted by a punctual expert member associated with the project team.
The project team as a whole initially decided in its own way to organize delegations of authority or expertise to carry out its objectives.
At the end of the project team, the local political action assembly reviews the results of the life project team, analyzes the gaps between the forecast and the realization. She gives Quitus to the life project team.
In terms of the formalism of this decision-making, there are two stages, two moments:
- that of the Quitus given by the local assembly at one of its meetings during the year
- then, once a year, during the great citizens’ festival, all the life project teams that have obtained their Quitus, are celebrated and congratulated.
The public communication of the detailed results is made before this annual feast to inform the local assembly of the citizens of the political institution, of the free city of residence. An annual celebration is also planned at the Confederation level with the communication of the overall results of the Plan and the celebration of the major successes of the life project teams during the year.
The management centers share their experiences with the members of the Life Networks
At the end of its life project, the team either stays together to continue its activity in new projects complementary to the previous one, or separates to join other life projects. For the experts who have come to join the team from time to time, this professional development leads them to new projects and also to sharing their expertise with students, apprentices and members interested in acquiring this knowledge.
This evolution can also be chosen by project team members to share their knowledge full-time or part-time with other life project teams and as an expert or as a teacher and trainer in a training center. This is a mission that contributes to the development of Solidarity.
1) the development of networks of expertise
We have repeatedly addressed the development and transmission of skills, the development of synergies. Solidarity, the COS (Cost of Obtaining Solidarity) is the result of sharing the optimal solution obtained by the practice of subsidiarity.
Raising the level of skills and sharing experiences necessarily requires the participation of the group of experts in the realization of life projects. However, this effort of management, communication, training, in practice inevitably encounters obstacles to overcome, locks to blow up, special interests to eliminate. Experts, in addition to their scientific, technological, human sciences, management skills, need to develop their own network for exchanging and sharing experiences in order to become even more facilitators, stakeholders who help life project teams to develop and eliminate the obstacles and difficulties they may encounter, especially when they have not been planned.
The transfer of skills in the internal training of the project team.
In the case of the transfer of systems integration skills at Thomson-CSF in 1990, we presented one of these difficulties which in this case had ended well. This transfer of experience between engineers and executives responsible for the management of projects developed by the Thomson Group, now Thalès, was the main purpose of the Campus built in Jouy en Josas, Bièvre Valley near Versailles.
The case of a failure to share expertise in a French watchmaking company.
Here we have a panel discussion that our group of young engineers and executives attended in this Campus, with in front of us an older and experienced leader working at that time in a multinational oil company in the Netherlands. He had wanted to share with us an experience that had marked him very much at the beginning of his career and had actually been a failure.
A failure that he had seen coming and understood but against which he could not do anything because his Directorate General with its President had not listened to him and had not come out of a harmful conformism except from a haughty and stupid position not to accept the new technology that completely disrupted their profession and their market. This plant had just closed in 1990 and this news had prompted him to come and tell us about his experience as a young manager some fifteen or twenty years earlier, when he was about the same age as us
The purpose of his intervention was to warn us that we should not experience this same failure, but that we should succeed in overcoming these kinds of pitfalls in order to evolve our company, our projects in a judicious use of the new technologies that were developing strongly at the beginning of the 1990s.
In hindsight, on, we can say that this problem of adaptation and openness to new technologies is certainly initially a question of raising skills, but it is at this level technical, scientific skills. The most important thing once you have acquired these new skills in new technologies is to succeed in transforming the company culture and, above all, in setting up a new management adapted to this new organization of production and the trade in order to regain a new competitive advantage, which will lead to productivity and wealth gains.
At this level we are faced with the question of command versus authority and power. The aim is to apply new knowledge and its consequences throughout the organization of the enterprise by facilitating the adoption of a new frame of reference brought by this new technology.
The command through the use of the Total Quality approach develops a participatory management and to achieve this, it must eliminate the old hierarchical management, autocratic, even the old corporate culture based on a profession that has made the success of the company but which is totally disrupted by a new technology. Here we are in the strategic dimension of decision making: in the event of failure, it is the survival of the undertaking that is threatened or even the end of it.
This is what the consultant who came that day to share with us the failure of the watchmaking company Jaz in the evolution of its profession towards quartz technology had experienced. He presented his experience at the Wintzenheim factory near Colmar, Alsace.
In 1975, the group marketed more than 5 million watch models and mechanisms; it is the first french watchmaking company. Its turnover is approximately 150 million francs. Electrical and electronic battery-operated watches have increased from 44% to 83% over the past five years, all of which are manufactured in the main Colmar plant, although Jaz mechanical alarm clocks still sell very well: more than one million units each year in France. Among the 150 models representing about 250 references, and listed in the catalog, there are 50 mechanical models, 92 electrical and electronic models, 8 quartz models.
On 13 November 1975, a merger and acquisition operation was carried out by JAZ SA on the S.A.P. and its Wintzenheim plant. According to the promises made last November by Mr. Félix Moch, President, a major investment is planned for this early 1976: more than 10 million francs for the conquest of the first rank in the field of electronic alarm clock!
This is where our speaker’s story begins.
The Parisian General Directorate decided to recruit a group of young Supelec engineers trained in new quartz crystal technologies and to send this group to the design office of the Colmar Wintzenheim plant (road leading from Colmar to Munster and the Schlucht Pass and then to Gérardmer). The Management of the factory and of the Design Office can find nothing better to do for these young Supelec graduates than to impose on them for 6 months an internship to acquire the mastery of the movements of the traditional watchmaking, field where hitherto the company has first-class expertise at the world level.
This apprenticeship in the craft is done on hand drawing boards, and the alumni of the design office are very proud to show it to the new ones trained on computers. Despite the charms of the region, after six months, almost all young Supelec graduates left. It is almost impossible to recruit others, given the reputation that these first trainees made of the factory with the office of the friendly of their great engineering school.
The company JAZ, already far behind in the use of quartz, as a result of this failure, will gradually lose its market in watchmaking and watches.
In the electronic part of JAZ’s business, the development plan for this new business is being developed and the workers are being trained in the welding of electronic cards and the assembly of sub-assemblies and assemblies. The MATRA group, which will resume the activity of the factory, will abandon the timekeeping part which will henceforth use Japanese quartz mechanisms for these clocks and watches.
Since 1981, the factory has halved its workforce since 1975 from one thousand to five hundred employees, the Jaz factory leases part of its premises to the company Matra-Tandy-Électronique, to which sixty people of its workforce have been transferred, and which produces one thousand computers a month. Between 1981 and the closure in 1990, workers trained in the computer-building trades performed best professionally, with former watchmaking experts having left the factory in recent years. French computer production did not go beyond the early 1990s, supplanted by the American and Asian computer industry.
Our last speaker returned to this clash of cultures in the watchmaking industry when quartz arrived.
Former watchmaking experts had built walls of honor and achievement around them, a recognized and solidly established social status. Many of them had started out as watchmakers and then, through training, became engineers. The plant’s leaders led the local Rotary movement. None understood that their salvation lay in the hands of this group of young graduates from Supélec.
The speaker before us had no pity for them, except for the regret that they had not been punished in one way or another for having thus allowed an entire part of our watchmaking industry to be destroyed.
He was warmer and grateful to the group of women workers who had been involved in electronics and computer science. They were the ones he now thought the plant had just closed.
This case was only one among many in the loss of our industry as a result of this technological revolution in computers and robotics and then following the liberal strategy of using social dumping enabled by the globalization of the economy and the relocation of our production activities.
His message was clear: we should not shy away from conservatism, from the immobility of our leaders.
However, the question of political intervention remained: why did governments also let our industry get lost?
For him, in our case, the meeting between politicians and business leaders had been a place, a name: Rotary in the region of Colmar.
Like any senior official, his schedule was tight and he had to leave already. We would have liked to ask him about these relations between politicians and industrialists, especially in the case of our Thomson Group, but he had certainly felt the blow coming and had preferred to go… to the English.
He and we agreed on this conclusion: our Campus was the best tool to exchange, share our expertise and our cultures of institutions, subsidiaries and eliminate the pitfalls of conservatism and immobility. We had received the presentation booklet from the members of our group, which was also intended to exchange our contact details to keep in touch. Just as we did in our ANDCP regional groups between Directors and Heads of Personnel.
2) the development of training and education networks
We have just discussed the necessary moments of meetings, exchanges and sharing between experts. The generalization of these practices, which guarantee the development of Solidarity among a social group and especially our Networks of Life, is reflected in the development of training and education networks.
When we talk about social institutions, we will talk about what will replace the French school and university system set up in the system of liberal capitalist power. For the time being, we are extending the presentation of the management centers and observing their missions and objectives in the fields of education and training on behalf of our Life Networks.
Solidarity with youth developed by management centers.
This mission of developing Solidarity, the centers for managing human activity will also assume it with regard to the young people who are preparing to assume their responsibilities in an adult life. The Life Project Team and its component companies are a learning structure and their mission of solidarity is also directed towards future members of life project teams from either of the political, economic, social, cultural, security and defense institutions or the Confederation.
There are two levels of involvement of management centers: the sharing of knowledge and skills is the intangible level, the sharing of material and real resources is the material level. We know that in the Networks of Life, knowledge is managed according to collective property and material and real estate means, according to common property and common property.
There are also two good times for management centers to participate in education and training: the time when youth can become part of a life project team on an ad hoc or more sustainable basis, the time when youth need to acquire knowledge and skills outside life project teams and in specific networks in order to gain experience.
The management centers, in addition to their implications for the development of life project teams, will therefore be responsible for certain networks whose mission is to provide education and training for the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and then be able to train in other fields.
Social education and training institutions will specify this organization. For the moment, let us remember this essential point: the knowledge, experience and material resources will come from the life project teams of the various political and economic institutions.
In other words, young people are closely involved in the activity of adults and only meet with each other at very specific and specific times in order to have certain experiences and develop certain skills.
We can immediately point out that these will be moments linked to the development of the initiatory and spiritual approach while the development of the source of intellectual and rational knowledge will be more easily realized among the teams of life projects and the activity of adults.
To illustrate these close relationships between the life project teams that produce and distribute wealth and education and training networks, we have at our disposal several examples of practices adopted by our neighbors that our governments continue to ignore in a superb way. These practices are used by the management centers in the Life Networks.
2.1 management of material resources between life project teams and vocational training centers.
The German example of depreciation management of production equipment.
Production equipment is grouped into several categories according to its age, and the use of depreciation takes these categories into account in order to promote the transmission of this equipment between undertakings and training centers.
This is the German example: The depreciation of machines is done over two years. Afterwards, the machines go to learning centers where they are sold cheaply to smaller companies who cannot buy new machines. In France, depreciation is done over 5 years so that the taxes on profits are higher each year. Deducting 50% of the value of the machines each year in the case where the company changes machines every 3 years to have the newest and most modern machines, is quite different than deducting 20% each year over 5 years to purchase new machines during the sixth year. The evolution of productivity gains between these two countries is very different: one will have much more productivity gains than the other. Over a long period, the companies of one perform better than those of the other.
- state-of-the-art equipment and materials using the latest innovations. They are used by expert groups and are used to rapidly achieve positive economies of scale. There is no question that these high-performance equipment will be used by poorly qualified and poorly trained teams. This problem of the lack of technological competence in France, as we have seen, is recurrent and was crucial in the years 1980 to 2000 when the French production tool was not able to use programmable automata, robots, numerical control machines quickly because of lack of training on the one hand and incompetence of management and hierarchical structure in the workshops. The most innovative production equipment accounts for between one quarter and one third of the total equipment stock. The aim is to ensure that the first well-controlled modern equipment moves to other factories, production centers, training centers or other networks after 2 to 3 years. With their replacement by innovative equipment, the productive equipment stock has equipment aged 4 to 5 years in a proportion of 50 to 60% or more. The goal of reaching 90% of the park with equipment under 5 years of age is then widely accessible.
- depreciated equipment and materials 2-5 years old: they are used primarily for the training of future production teams and secondly for production whose yield is less increasing or decreasing and which therefore have a level of profitability which is more difficult to find, or in the event that the production of goods and services cannot be profitable but can only cover all or part of their cost. It is through swarming and partnership between production groups that equipment depreciated through the most profitable productions goes to less profitable productions or to local networks that cannot achieve high profitability in their production teams, given their local particularities.
- equipment over 5 years of age: They are kept in operation for their durability, ease of use and cost savings. They are used in activities incidental to production to minimize the cost of such activities. Part of this equipment is gathered in the training and technology conservation centers to serve as examples and testimonials on the history of knowledge, technologies and trades. the center for the management of the production and distribution of wealth manages the common ownership of the means of production: factories and workshops, machinery, maintenance, purchases and resale, logistics. So the training centers have equipment depreciated after two years in the companies and they will keep it for three to five years to replace it with new equipment depreciated after two years in the companies. Since amortized equipment has no book value, training centers are only responsible for the cost of installing such equipment on their premises. After five years, they can, if necessary, sell them on the second-hand equipment market in a neighboring country that needs them.
2.2 IT and Technology Resource Management
IT resources are the foundation of this production organization. The technological revolution in computers and telecommunications is used primarily to determine the levels of production and consumption of goods essential to the life of network members. These computing devices, these data centers, the supercomputers, are being used today by global retail giants, like the American Wall Mart and others. In the Life Networks, they are used not to maximize the profits of a commercial or financial company as in the capitalist system of power, but to minimize the selling prices and guarantee an economy whose objectives in the use of resources are to avoid wastage and unnecessary production.
The work of digitized data focuses primarily on determining demand and especially on the daily demand for food and consumer goods. For example, members of life networks have the option of subscribing to meal lists based on the nature of their activities (sustained work, recreation, health, sports, culinary discoveries, festive meals, etc.). These services to the person are ensured by the use of the common goods and their payment in full currency or in social rights, we will come back to this by presenting the social institutions of the Networks of Life.
These proposals are no longer limited to a cookbook to be prepared at home, whereas the rhythm of daily life does not allow it, as is currently the case for most employees of the liberal economic power system. Consumers can choose between a formula to cook their meals at home, participating in the preparation of meals in a common kitchen in their local environment where they can prepare meals with better productivity and hygiene standards, advice from professionals while being paid in social rights for their work which benefits others, remuneration which can be deducted immediately from the cost of their meals. The possibilities are diverse to guarantee a regular and quality diet capable of preserving health, the conviviality of meals and the taste pleasure.
It is through the use of exchanges on real computerized social networks that energize groups of projects of life and production, of consumption, that this definition and quantification of demand is carried out.
Implementing a production program based on demand and carrying out this production in a short or just in time no longer presents technical difficulties since the 1980s and the implementation of these computerized methods of managing the production tool. These production programs are integrated into the Plan managed by the free cities and the Confederation.
This discovery of the use of IT tools for management and forecasting is part of the mission of training management centers for youth.
Learning will take place not only on equipment depreciated in the project teams but also, where appropriate, with the management, telecommunication, simulation software used by these project teams, or even with certain data used by these teams.
This formative approach is linked to the method of learning management through the case study, a method originally initiated at Harvard University in the USA but which today confronts the evolution of science by not being able to settle for a functionalist dimension adapted to a specific case but which must take into account the structure. This evolution between functionalism and structuralism is thus taken into account in Life Networks by the fact that learning is directly about “living” and that students are stakeholders in life project teams. This is made possible because the company is no longer focused solely on satisfying the interests of shareholders as in capitalism.
2.3 the development of relations between young people and adults in the context of human activity.
From the example of Denmark.
“Lifelong learning is also one of the pillars of the ‘well-being society’ model, which means working longer and working better,” says Sylvain Briens, a specialist in Scandinavian civilizations. Denmark is proud to have created the first compulsory school system in Europe in 1814, and to have developed a culture based on popular education (the folkehøjskole of Grundtvig) with the possibility of taking evening classes since 1850. Thanks to the High People’s School founded in 1870, a Dane has access to school or university education regardless of his age and social origin. At the time, the aim was to facilitate the transition from the agricultural to the industrial economic model.
Today, the 2.8 million Danish employees have the opportunity to take 14 days of training per year. Denmark does not hide its pride. It is the largest country in Europe in terms of the proportion of adults trained. In 2011, 21% of adults went through the vocational training system (source Ministry). The European average reaches 9% and France only 3% (Eurostat).”
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In Denmark, a proven recipe for youth employment
In companies, people under 25 receive generous subsidies that are disconnected from parental income, enabling them to become empowered and enter the workforce.
Journal Le Monde by Marie Charrel published on August 25, 2021, excerpt:
“Small jobs at the end of the college, early autonomy: this is one of the ingredients for the successful integration of the under-25s into employment in Denmark. As in the Nordic countries as a whole, the proportion of 15-29 year olds neither in employment, education nor training (NEETs) is lower than in the rest of Europe. In the first quarter of 2021, it was 7 % in Sweden and 9,5 % in Denmark, compared with 13,2 % in France, 15 % in Spain and 24,2 % in Italy, according to Eurostat.’
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We have seen through the evil of the French economy our inability to create new jobs, especially to keep up with our demographic evolution. Similarly, the analysis of our immigration shows that our country is characterized by the arrival of low-skilled migrants who then do not enter training or apprenticeships and thus remain in precariousness and non-integration.
The Life Networks, as we have just seen, use the management centers and their skills to develop these relationships between training and education centers and the different teams of life projects. We present below the Social Institutions of Life Networks and this mission will be essential especially to help young people to establish their personal life project with lifelong training. This is a way of going even further and better than Denmark, whose policy remains within the framework of the liberal capitalist system of power.
The same goes for students. In Denmark, Danish culture encourages autonomy and the universal student salary promotes this independence from parents. Being a student in Denmark is the first status as an asset. A student pays taxes (even if his income is low). The Statens Uddannelsesstøtte (State educational support) is the remuneration granted by the Danish State. For 18-20 year olds, it varies from just over DKK 4055 (about 600€) to DKK 6321 (about 1000€) per month depending on parents’ income. From the age of 20, it is DKK 6321 per month for everyone. The conditions are to be over 18 years of age, to be enrolled in state-approved training and to no longer live with his parents (a lesser allowance is paid in this case). There is a ceiling of DKK 9069 (equivalent to approximately EUR 1400) per month, beyond which the allowance is reduced or abolished. The maximum duration of this remuneration is 70 months, which may be extended from 6 to 12 months in the case of maternity or sickness.
In the Life Networks, we will specify in their Social Institutions, the Universal and Unconditional Basic Income is financed by the remission of an amount of Social Rights to be used in the Common Goods.
Training centers whose universities are managed and developed into Common Goods on the second level of human activity: the realization of works that raise the standard of living and are passed on to future generations.
Here, too, we go further and better than those practices of Scandinavian countries whose limit lies in extending the duration of studies: students often take 6 to 7 years to get a three-year diploma because they work side by side part time to support their standard of living.
This handicap does not exist with the use of common goods and their management with full currency and social rights.
In conclusion
The centers of management of the institutions of the Life Networks represent a function that is exercised within the framework of the development of teams of life projects, a basic organization whose purpose is the production and distribution of wealth. This function is not ensured only by the versatility or expertise of the members of the Life Networks. It is also the place and time to meet young and future adults who are members of the life projects teams.
These young people have the opportunity to face work in companies or services, but they also have the possibility of being paid by carrying out certain administrative or management tasks which the management centers offer them after initial training.
They are thus remunerated while continuing their studies and apprenticeships and thus saving the Social Rights they acquired when they paid their Basic Income in Social Rights. They then have a choice to make, a choice of political nature that expresses their participation in the development of the Networks of Life.
It is also a practical way of exercising their right to belong to one or more management centers throughout their life, as is also the case for another political institution: National Guard.
Management Centers and the National Guard are thus two institutions whose missions guarantee the civic participation of each member in the development of our Life Networks.