Part 3 – The History of Conflicts

Political, economic, financial and health disorders after 1307

following the destruction of the Templar monks’ networked organizations.

Implementing royal absolutism takes a long time

The political, economic disorder after 1307 begins as soon as the order of the temple disappears in Europe. It took a long time to establish royal absolutism. Accustomed to direct and local democratic rule, the people and their local rulers are reluctant to let the nobles rule them in the service of the king.

In our first part we saw the example of the ten free cities of Alsace. These cities have gained freedoms of the time from the networked organization of the Teutonic or Knights Templar monks. The kings of Germania and the king of France are in inextricable financial situations and we know why.

In France, as we have said, 90% of land ownership is managed by knights and monastic orders, mainly as a result of donations received in return for taking charge of the population in care networks, distribution of agricultural and artisanal wealth or education and training networks.

The Decapolis of Alsace opposes the practice of committing the wealth produced by its free cities.

After 1307, kings are obliged to give financial compensation to their dukes, counts and other servants who keep the kingdom running. The easiest and most convenient way is to offer these nobles the management of the wealth that cities produce. It’s the practice of engagement.

In 1331, the Baden Margrave received income from the imperial cities of Colmar, Selestat, Obernai, Rosheim and Mulhouse. In 1336, six Alsatian cities united to help each other with a defensive and security goal in order to counter this desire to extract their wealth for the benefit of the “engaging” elective princes. Not surprisingly, the cities most hostile to the rule of these princes are those founded around a Benedictine abbey: Colmar, Wissembourg, Turckheim, Munster…

These cities will quickly have to help one another to quell internal strife by local nobles who support the princes and seek to take over from the popularly elected rulers.

The official alliance of the ten cities of the Decapolis dates back to 1354 and this alliance was only destroyed when Alsace was annexed to France under Louis XIV in 1679. This date of 1354 is not trivial, it corresponds to the birth of the Confederation of Iroquois Nations and the development of the Inca empire.

These alliances and confederations are ventures to bridge the gap in the networked organization of the knights of time of cathedrals in Europe. In the Americas, these Iroquois and Inca companies will pursue this organization in new cultural contexts free of theocratic and monarchical domination.

Monarchies appropriate the riches of the commons

In Europe and France, growth and prosperity have been threatened since the destruction of the Templars on Friday, October 13, 1307, and the monarchies are not able to take over. They seek to appropriate the riches of the commons by taxing them with taxes or by plundering them through wars.


Established in 1328 by the King of France in order to record and therefore tax the population of the kingdom more systematically, the state of parishes and fires measures this inflation of men: 23,671 parishes and 2,469,987 fires then cover the 320,000 square kilometers of the royal estate, the estates and the large fiefdoms. By adopting an average coefficient of 4.5 inhabitants per fire, France would have counted, within its current borders, nearly 20 million inhabitants. A considerable number that makes the kingdom a “world full like an egg”, writes the columnist Jean Froissart.

In this game, sprawling growth has led to widespread unwanted land clearing and the cultivation of marginal lands that were too quickly exhausted.

By the early 14th century, from 1315 to 1317, terrible famines in Bruges, Ypres, England, where one in ten Englishmen succumbed to hunger or disease, announced the squeaking of the machine.

Established in 1328 by the King of France in order to record and therefore tax the population of the kingdom more systematically, the state of parishes and fires measures this inflation of men: 23,671 parishes and 2,469,987 fires then cover the 320,000 square kilometers of the royal estate, the estates and the large fiefdoms. By adopting an average coefficient of 4.5 inhabitants per fire, France would have counted, within its current borders, nearly 20 million inhabitants. A considerable number that makes the kingdom a “world full like an egg”, writes the columnist Jean Froissart.

In this game, sprawling growth has led to widespread unwanted land clearing and the cultivation of marginal lands that were too quickly exhausted.

By the early 14th century, from 1315 to 1317, terrible famines in Bruges, Ypres, England, where one in ten Englishmen succumbed to hunger or disease, announced the squeaking of the machine.


end of document.

The financial disaster of 1345.

summary document:

In Europe in 1345, the collapse of the large Florentine banking houses of Bardi and Peruzzi led to a full-blown financial disintegration.

The Templars had developed an efficient banking network

which people trusted. The monks vowed to be poor and did not seek to make large profits to develop personal interests. After the demise of the Temple order, bankers in Italy’s cities and towns are free to conduct their banking business as they please, especially vis-à-vis kings, emperors, and nobles in Europe.

The Templars had come to the point of strangling the King of France financially, but this was in order to develop their economic and social enterprise organized in networks. Rid of the presence of the Temple Bank, the Italian bankers, backed by the political and military might of Venice, resumed their financial trade with kings and princes, but enriched themselves at the expense of kings and, this time, also of their people.

Venice in 1204 organizes the taking of Constantinople and is considerably strengthened

Document :
April 12, 1204, the real fall of Constantinople

We often forget it, but the city that the Turks brought in in 1453, was only the decaying and depopulated capital of a moribund empire reduced to a skin of sorrow. In short, a blow of grace …

All other was the capture of Constantinople of April 12, 1204 by the excommunicated crusaders of the 4th Crusade, diverted from the Holy Land by the Venetians of the R. Doge Dandolo.

Supported by the latter, the Crusaders seized a powerful, rich and populated city that they jerky – despite the ban on the Pope – with a savagery that surprised the time chroniclers.

Worse still, they shared the territories of the Empire which never recovered from this terrible shock despite the reconquest initiated by the emperors of Nicea who claimed the succession of the defeated Basileis.

The great winners of history were the Venetians who could redirect the lucrative flows of the great Mediterranean trade towards the Serenissim.

If the money has no smell (Pecunia non ono) – according to the famous formula of the Vespasian emperor – it often has a color: blood red.

Below: after the Empire, the Latin states built on the ruins of the Byzantine Empire. The Empires of Nicea and Trébizonde (west of current Turkey) are the only territories still controlled by the Byzantines, which will take almost 60 years to win back Constantinople.

source : Storia Mundi 11/01/2023

l'empire de Constantinople après 1204 et son partage
lThe Empire of Constantinople after 1204 and its sharing

The fourth crusade had completely escaped the power of the papacy which was originally.

The latter later lost many of its political power for the benefit of European monarchs in general and the Germanic Roman emperor in particular. The Republic of Venice, on the other hand, reinforced considerably and drew the best party of this fourth crusade, at the expense of the Byzantine Empire. The following crusades will be carried out by secular monarchs.

End of documents

Regarding our words, we point out that the order of the temple, according to its European and economic objectives, did not participate in this 4th crusade organized at the start by French, Italian and German nobles who wanted to conquer the riches of the ‘Egypt. What the first crusades had failed to carry out. Political decision -makers in Europe no longer wanted to engage in new crusades, only Venice traders supported this project but for their own interests: taking Constantinople and not Egypt, too difficult to take from Muslim troops.

Venice for its trade pays suppliers with gold

Venice paid for its trade with the East by transferring huge quantities of gold and silver from Europe to the Black Sea countries and Asia, as well as to Egypt and the Muslim countries of the Middle East. Europe lacked such a currency, and when the English king refused to repay loans to Italian bankers, he triggered the financial crisis and widened the abscess.

Bankers Speculate on Gold and Silver

Venice, Florence, the other republics of northern Italy and their bankers had started speculating on the price of precious metals, gold and especially silver, a new metal in Europe that we know was imported massively by the temple fleet from the mines of Mexico to the port of La Rochelle. Florence was speculating in gold, while Venice, thanks to its trade, had managed to build up a large stock of silver with which it managed to bring down the price of gold and thus Florence’s financial power until these speculative maneuvers triggered a serious financial crisis.

The greed of the leaders of Venice and Florence.

The financial disaster of 1345 disrupted the economies of European kingdoms after more than two centuries of prosperity.

In less than 50 years, the constructive results of the network-building of the time of the cathedrals were destroyed by the greed of the leaders of Venice and Florence.

When we see that the popes and their main cardinals came from the rich families of these Italian cities, once the episode of the Papacy of Avignon had ended, we better understand how the riches developed on the soil of France were recovered in Italy for the benefit of the Papacy and the Catholic rulers of Rome. These Italian cities have done business with the leaders of the peoples of the East, and maritime relations with the Americas, kept secret by the Templars, have reportedly been virtually interrupted, leading to the rapid decline of Viking and Templar colonies in Mexico and the Andes.

source: How Venice will orchestrate history’s greatest financial disaster, Paul Gallagher. This article appeared in the American quarterly Fidelio (Winter 95).

Venice’s trade with Arabs and Mongols.

summary document:

To show one aspect of this decline and this return to obscurantism, misery and the criminal measures of the new rulers, we can take the case of slavery which had been fought by the Templars and had been eliminated in Europe through their economic and social management (like the pyramids, the cathedrals were not built with the force of the slaves). The Templars redeemed the slaves to free them, as Mohamed did in Arabia in his day. After the destruction of the Temple order, slavery flourished again.

The Arab Slave Trade

The Venetians are arguably the best organized and wealthiest of all the slavers on the continent. They traded with the Arabs to whom they sold various products including slaves captured on the coasts of Dalmatia but also Christians from Greece, Lombards etc. This made the Doge of Venice mad with rage, which will ban, in 873, the slave trade. Again, to no avail.

The merchants of Venice had a very well organized network thanks to the financiers of the city who invested without hesitation in well-armed ships.

The men on the ground were scum, rogue thugs, colluding with financiers to build a perfectly oiled organization. When in 1230 the Italian cities of Florence and Siena took up arms to confront each other, the Florentine victor looted, raped, killed and enslaved the vanquished without a mood. During the Renaissance, the Italian cities of Venice, Florence, Siena and Genoa and others traded slaves from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus on their soil.


Venise son commerce maritime

Trade between Venice and Mongolia brings the plague to Europe

Trade between Venice, the Italian republican cities, and the Mongolian empire subsequently turned into a health disaster.

Mongolia was the largest empire in history and also the cruelest

The Mongolian empire was the largest in history and also the cruelest, exterminating almost 15% of the world’s population through war and disease within a century, destroying all of the major and flourishing cities from China to Iraq in the West, Russia and Hungary in the North, including the rival shopping malls in Venice.

Thanks to its alliance with the Mongols and the gold monopoly in Sudan and Malaysia, the Venetians enjoyed a monopoly on currency circulation in the decades before the fourteenth century’s financial disintegration.

In the period from 1330 to 1350, the Black Death spread into southern China, killing 15 to 20 million people, a continuation and logical end of the process of plundering the Mongols.

Mongolia’s economy was built on countless herds of horses that ruined agriculture throughout the vast Khan estate. It also introduced the plague-carrying rodents that had been confined for centuries to a tiny region of northeast China, to the South, and on routes to the West.

In 1346, Mongolian cavalry spread the plague in Crimean cities on the Black Sea.

In 1346, the Tatars attacked the port city of Caffa, a Genoese trading post on the Black Sea coast of Crimea, and established its headquarters. The epidemic, brought back from Central Asia by the Mongols quickly decimates the besiegers who will catapult the corpses of their dead over the walls to infect the city.

The siege was broken after the geno-tartare alliance and the boats leaving the city transmitted the black plague to all the ports where they stopped: the disease reached Messina (September 1347), Genoa and Marseille (November 1347). Venice was reached in June 1348. Within a year, the whole Mediterranean area is reached.

Demographics in Europe had stagnated over the past forty years and the population had become increasingly concentrated in cities with very poor water and sanitation infrastructure. The famous bridges of Florence, for example, were all built in the 13th century, none in the 14th century. Food levels had deteriorated as a result of the decline in cereal production.

The destruction of the health organization

The Black Death will destroy the health organization that remains in monasteries and abbeys, and the monks who will help the population will be many of the victims. This epidemic is relatively well known to us because the monk’s teaching has enabled the establishment of a local administration able to record and transmit to us writing about these events. But deaths among educated people will push people further back into ignorance and destitution.

Europe’s Plague-Induced Demographic Loss

Landed in Marseille in November 1347, the “black” plague then tackled with greed bodies too weakened to resist the bacillus of Yersin. Historians now take to heart Froissart’s warm estimate: “Well, the third party of the world died.”

The only overall estimate is for England, based on the per capita taxes collected over the period. On the eve of the assault, in 1338, it had a population of 3,125,000. In 1377, there were only 2,250,000. At the beginning of the 14th century, there were just over 2 million.

Montpellier grew from 40,000 inhabitants before 1348 to 10,000 in the mid-15th century. In 1526, Florence only regained 80-85% of its 1328 population. Ghent had only 45,000 inhabitants by the end of the 15th century, compared with 80,000 in 1315. In Catalonia, there were 500,000 inhabitants at the beginning of the 14th century, and 280,000 two centuries later. 

One-third fewer people in Europe.

After the financial crash and the spread of the plague, Europe’s population levels fell over a hundred years, from nearly 90 million to 60 million.

The Beginning of Religious Unrest in Europe

The Age of Apocalyptic Prophecy

It is also a time of religious turmoil. With the famines of 1315-1320 and the Black Death of 1348-1349, the era of apocalyptic prophecies began, to which social demands were rapidly added: overthrowing the rich and powerful, taking Church property, fighting for an egalitarian society. This is the time for rumors about the Antichrist.

After three centuries of development and education, irrationality is going wild in an attempt to make sense of the misfortunes that are occurring again. The rapid and strange disappearance of the Temple order, the occurrence of miseries, wars and financial speculation, in short, the misdeeds caused by the rich and powerful are signs of the end of time and the reign of evil, of the Antichrist. The prophets of doom are legion. From 1378 to 1417, there were two popes: one in Rome and the other in Avignon.

The End of Cathedral Time

So, in less than fifty years, the booming era of cathedral times was destroyed. The perfidy of a French king who betrayed the networked organization of knights’ monks, the thirst for gold and silver of Italian bankers without the temple bank network, the willingness of the Italian cities to throw their weight around and trade risk-free with empires and regions, ignorance and corruption took over the business of leading people to disaster.

Kingdoms had been weakened by networked organization, but, rather than quickly re-establishing new networks, the kingdoms preferred to develop nation-states and centralized systems of power that spent centuries fighting wars for dominance over others.

The first of the wars between kingdoms lasted a hundred years between France and England, two countries that had been organized in networks by the Benedictine monks and the Templar knights.


Notes: This document dates from about ten years before 2022, the links to the documents no longer exist but we have retained the initial address. Some of the articles available then no longer exist today or their content has become paid for.

In the sources we mention below, we present other documents on these topics.

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